"lolx... how?? dey can start n end at de same time n place.. but there will alwaez be a distance between dem.. dey can look at each other all thru their journey... but dey can neva eva be together...."
one day, luv asked frenship,"y do u exist when i already exist??"... frenship simply replied," to bring a smile where u leave tears..."
de distorted version....
one day, frenship asked luv,"Y de hell do u exist when in de end i'm de only one left???"
luv thot for a while den said,"there are some things tat only i can do.. things tat u can neva do cos u're onli a fren.... *smirks*"
frenship rolled his eyes n said, "shuddup u horny bastard... u're lust!! not luv...."
den a small voice spoke up from somewhere, "i exist in everyone n everywhere.. even lust cant exist without a tiny bit of luv.. i'm in u too, frenship, tats y u exist.. frenship is term for luv between frenz"...
for a moment.. frenship n lust looked puzzled.. even shocked.. den he smiled.. for there was a mutual understanding ....