one minute in xinmin is indeed equivalent to about a month in nanyang.... we just sat happily at the swings and laughed at nothing in particular.. wheeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!
then after that, we.... continued swinging!!!! n we saw benjy n kimmy n SIXIANG!!!! haven't seen dear parry(haha!) for ages.. miss this bunch of ppl sooooo much!!! sx hasnt changed... still flipping his hair.... xiang ar!!! go spike!!! haha..
bummed ard... saw many other familiar faces.. continued swinging... skirt continued sliding n flying, ying's shoe dropped!!! HAHAhaa!! i think we overloaded the swing.... but who cares!! lol... it's still intact! hurhur~
saw stupid shrimp.. who wanted to come ard n laugh around with us, but his past antics seriously disgusted us. so we glared... sort of... n he turned in the other direction instead. *sticks out tongue* we wont forget how u schemed to have our aircon taken away from us!!!
when we finally beared to alightt from the swing, i saw my dearest debaters!!!!!!! *screams like a bimbo* havent seen them in AGES!!! heared familiar talk about the little "gucci brats" and other related debate lingo... sigh... miss this bunch of ppl too... and the days spent in the media resource room, making sharma buy us ice-blended!! and slogging(or gossiping in my case =>) till late evening when the liondance ppl came back for training..
the first teacher, mdm Ee.
"mdm ee!!! wo mei nian dou yao bao ni yi xia!!!"
sigh.... i miss mdm Ee...
then it was "sexy *deleted*, tall, strong, muscular, *deleted* body " sharma!!! hahahaa..... puff daddy!!! another unforgettable teacher...
bounced over to Ms baey next! haha... she's married.... still hot tho! => my role model!! oh!! she was from PL.. then on to AC... hate you ms baey..... lol... but thanx for the advice!!
then was grabbed by miss wendy tan!!! lalalaaa... -hugggg- how can u grab me?? shld be me grabbing u!! haha.. talktalktalk... n i ate her present for her!! => food makes me happy! hehee...
back to mr sharma.... picturespictures...
(note: all this while, not a single moment when i felt tired or when my cheek muscles were restin =>)
ran to annoy Ms yvonne ong, mrs yim, then Ms koh.... then it was off to swings again...
finally, cabbed to heeren... ate marche.. and guess wat??? saw BENJY again!!!!! hahahahaa... me n xy were mock fighting over him!! lol... and yiwen, i really cant stand ur *beep*!! and.... lol... all our lewd jokes and girl talk!! haha.. it was great lunch with xinyu, ying and wen!!
i quote mrs low, "you are in the best school, because you have the best teachers."
i couldn't agree more =>
current mood: exuberent!!
reason: i went home. =>
Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Sunday, August 29, 2004
xinyu just told me bout her new pink blog... it triggered a thought: my class thinking bout a class theme for prom.. n chong coming up with pretty-in-pink!! LOL!!! haha... stupid crappy class.... anw, got a lovely short film on my class now.. lalalaa....
wasted a day watching dvds n snacking at esta's house with ying.. i brought maths along, but i happily left it untouched in my bag!! (ooo!! virginal math!) so we happily slacked away the day on the pretense of preparing teacher's day prezzies.. haha.... but noneheless, it was fun!!! n est's bro was in super gd mood today!! sooooooo cuuuuteeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!! lalalaa.... i like est's new house!! yawn... ying!!! let's force est to play LIFE again sometime soon!! haha!!
wasted a day watching dvds n snacking at esta's house with ying.. i brought maths along, but i happily left it untouched in my bag!! (ooo!! virginal math!) so we happily slacked away the day on the pretense of preparing teacher's day prezzies.. haha.... but noneheless, it was fun!!! n est's bro was in super gd mood today!! sooooooo cuuuuteeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!! lalalaa.... i like est's new house!! yawn... ying!!! let's force est to play LIFE again sometime soon!! haha!!
Thursday, August 26, 2004

this is muli-tasking during world bank talk!! there's my pirahna pond, crocodile farm, llama sanctury, ostrich abode, bull with high sex drive, cow shagging area, horses and stables, upsidedown mercs brand trucks, duck pond, chicken coop, pigs pen, rose bushes, sunflower and tulip (for xinyu) garden!!! oh, and of course the farm house... and a big empty space hat was supposed to be esther mouse, but she was threathening to stomp over my farm.. so i edited the mouse out!! lalalaaaa....
Monday, August 23, 2004
1. What do u do when there is a free period?
Ans: stone in the library..
> 2. What are u doing during GP tutorial?
Ans: haha.. takin pix of mr chong!!!
> 3.wat are u doing during maths tutorial and
Ans: i slp during lectures, and tutorial... well... i do my work!! ha!
> 4.wat are u doing during Bio
Ans: if i took bio, i'd be payin attention!!!
> 5.wat are u doing during mt tutorial?
Ans: what mt??!! *feigns innocence*
> 6.wat are u doing during PE lesson?
Ans: OOOO!!!!! running ard and having fun!! wheeee!!!!!
> 7.wat are u doing during Lit Tutorial and
Ans: listening and participating of course!! lol!
> 8.wat are u doing history lesson?
Ans: i'd prolly sleep...
> 9.wat do u usually do during break?
Ans: eat.. eat.... EAT!!!
>10. Wat u do during chemistry
ans: in chemistry, we create sparks!! lalalaa....
> u enjoy school?
Ans: i guess... i don really like exams tho...
> 12.wat is on your mind during most of the
> lesson?
Ans: is it ending....???
> 13.wat lesson do u enjoy most?
Ans: if break were a lesson, it's be my fave!
Ans: stone in the library..
> 2. What are u doing during GP tutorial?
Ans: haha.. takin pix of mr chong!!!
> 3.wat are u doing during maths tutorial and
Ans: i slp during lectures, and tutorial... well... i do my work!! ha!
> 4.wat are u doing during Bio
Ans: if i took bio, i'd be payin attention!!!
> 5.wat are u doing during mt tutorial?
Ans: what mt??!! *feigns innocence*
> 6.wat are u doing during PE lesson?
Ans: OOOO!!!!! running ard and having fun!! wheeee!!!!!
> 7.wat are u doing during Lit Tutorial and
Ans: listening and participating of course!! lol!
> 8.wat are u doing history lesson?
Ans: i'd prolly sleep...
> 9.wat do u usually do during break?
Ans: eat.. eat.... EAT!!!
>10. Wat u do during chemistry
ans: in chemistry, we create sparks!! lalalaa....
> u enjoy school?
Ans: i guess... i don really like exams tho...
> 12.wat is on your mind during most of the
> lesson?
Ans: is it ending....???
> 13.wat lesson do u enjoy most?
Ans: if break were a lesson, it's be my fave!
i was extremely eager to donate blood. but pressure was too low. grrrrrr!!!! i was so excited bout donating.... and then it turned out i cldnt. i'm deprived!!!! grrrr.... to all those healthy and able ppl out there who can successfully donate blood but don't want to, screw you. u don't know what u're missing!! the pleasure of watching medics draw packets of blood from you. what fun! lol. and i wanted that coloured band too!! bleah. i went back to beg the doctors 3 times!!! but they still said no.. sigh.
wei ying here!! i wanted to donate my blood a step ahead of cassan!! pricked my finger to test my blood!! waited in the super long queue finally got to sit on the donating blood chair!!! BUT they couldn't find my VEIN!!!!!!!!!i thought i could get free milo and biscuit!! so sad!!!
wei ying here!! i wanted to donate my blood a step ahead of cassan!! pricked my finger to test my blood!! waited in the super long queue finally got to sit on the donating blood chair!!! BUT they couldn't find my VEIN!!!!!!!!!i thought i could get free milo and biscuit!! so sad!!!
Sunday, August 22, 2004
Did you know that those who appear to be very strong in heart, are real weaklings and most succeptible?
Did you know that those who spend their time protecting others are the ones that really need some one to protect them?
Did you know that the three most difficult things to say are : I love you,Sorry and help me? The people who say these are that actually need them or really feel them, and are the ones you really need to treasure, because they have said them.
Did you know that people who occupy themselves by keeping others company or helping others are the ones that actually need your company and help?
Did you know that those who dress in red are more confidence in themselves?
Did you know that those who dress in yellow are those that enjoy their beauty?
Did you know that those who dress in black, are those who want to be unnoticed and need your help and understanding?
Did you know that when you help someone, the help is returned in two folds?
Did you know that it's easier to say what you feel in writing than saying it to someone in the face? But did you know that it has more value when you say it in the face?
Did you know that what is most difficult for you to say or do is much more valuable than anything that is valuable that you can buy with money?
Did you know that if you ask for something in faith, your wishes are granted?
Did you know that you can make your dreams come true, like falling in love, becoming rich, staying healthy, if you ask for it by faith, and if you really knew, you'd be surprised by what you could do.
Did you know that those who spend their time protecting others are the ones that really need some one to protect them?
Did you know that the three most difficult things to say are : I love you,Sorry and help me? The people who say these are that actually need them or really feel them, and are the ones you really need to treasure, because they have said them.
Did you know that people who occupy themselves by keeping others company or helping others are the ones that actually need your company and help?
Did you know that those who dress in red are more confidence in themselves?
Did you know that those who dress in yellow are those that enjoy their beauty?
Did you know that those who dress in black, are those who want to be unnoticed and need your help and understanding?
Did you know that when you help someone, the help is returned in two folds?
Did you know that it's easier to say what you feel in writing than saying it to someone in the face? But did you know that it has more value when you say it in the face?
Did you know that what is most difficult for you to say or do is much more valuable than anything that is valuable that you can buy with money?
Did you know that if you ask for something in faith, your wishes are granted?
Did you know that you can make your dreams come true, like falling in love, becoming rich, staying healthy, if you ask for it by faith, and if you really knew, you'd be surprised by what you could do.
Wednesday, August 18, 2004
Monday, August 16, 2004
What makes you happy? being loved
Would you change yourself to make someone else happy? if the change is for tthe better, i will..
If you knew the truth was gonna hurt you would you still wanna hear it? i'd rather know the truth then be in the dark...
Do long distance relationships work? i believe that if the love is true, and the trust is there, it is possible..
How many people do you know that share your birthday? personally, i only know dawn and my uncle.. but there's xinyu's classmate.. and a whole lot of others i saw on the giordano birthday list!!
Is there anyone that you would risk your life for? hmm... i think so...
Person that other people say you look like? i don't like looking like ppl, and i don't like ppl looking like me.
What animal would you want to be turned into? i don't mind being a pig...... =>
Favorite symbol on the keyboard? *
Do you spend a lot of time on the computer? too much.. i ought to be studying!!
Do you spend a lot of time on instant messaging? i guess..
Do you realize that most things are temporary? sigh.. i guess.. but i believe.. tha true love will last till the end..
How long has it been since you went to town? last wed i think..
Do you like to write poetry? uh-huh...
Do you like to read poetry? uh-huh...
What is your favorite color of ink to write in? depends on my mood..
Would you rather write in pen or pencil? pencil, cos it can be erased..
How tall are you? 165
What is your favorite pet? currently, my one and only precious lil' chinchilla!! but i want a dog!!
Who do you always talk to online? erm... don really like talkin to ppl online..
Do you like rain? love it, except when i wanna swim
Do you think lightning is awesome? its nature's very on work of art!
Do you have glow-in-the-dark stars? yes!!! they glow on my ceiling!!! =>
Do you miss someone? yup.. lots and lots and lots!
What do you think of the internet? faceless.. very insecure...
What do you think of Bill Gates? he will be a kind soul if he transfers half his bank account to me!
What do you think of today's rap? -shrug-
What was the last song you downloaded? erm.. can rmb....
Do you smoke/drink? uh-huh..
Do you blog? yup.. i enjoy seeing alphabets appear from the thin vertical black line..
Have you ever been in a life or death situation? uh-huh.. before i was born
Who's the last person who wrote a testimonial to you? the last wordy testimonial was from sofrie!!
Life is? i'll tell u when i reach the end..
On a scale from 0 to 10, how happy are you? i'm neutral
What are the things.. in your wallet? atm, ic, ezlink, photo, pressed wild flower, receipts, no money!!
What's in your mind now? flow star flower round, booboo, econs, maths, and 2 lit essays..
What do you want to do after this? continue slackin..
Have you ever been in a jungle? singapore was a jungle!! ok la.... ubin counted..?
5 things that you miss? him, lil' cousies, him, days of ignorance,him..
Do you hate anyone? nope.. just strong dislike..
What do you want to say to yourself? just keep swimming!!
Have you ever loved someone so much you'd die for him/her? hmmm....
Do you swear? cos not, y the fuck would i wanna swear?!! lol!
Do you know your goals in life? i wanna be happy!
Are you a hard worker? when the drive is there!!
One thing you just can't live without? oxygen!!
What time is it right now? 10.58pm
What was the most expensive thing lastest thing you bought for someone? the file i guess..
Gen-X or Gen-Y (born in the year 1979 or later)? Y!!
What's your Chinese astrology sign and the element? fire tiger
What did you do yesterday? donno la. i got short term memory.. OHOHOH!!! went to ster's new house... played life!! weiying has an impotent husband, ster has 2 girls kickin her husbands ass, and i'm the poorest. -sulk-
Would you change yourself to make someone else happy? if the change is for tthe better, i will..
If you knew the truth was gonna hurt you would you still wanna hear it? i'd rather know the truth then be in the dark...
Do long distance relationships work? i believe that if the love is true, and the trust is there, it is possible..
How many people do you know that share your birthday? personally, i only know dawn and my uncle.. but there's xinyu's classmate.. and a whole lot of others i saw on the giordano birthday list!!
Is there anyone that you would risk your life for? hmm... i think so...
Person that other people say you look like? i don't like looking like ppl, and i don't like ppl looking like me.
What animal would you want to be turned into? i don't mind being a pig...... =>
Favorite symbol on the keyboard? *
Do you spend a lot of time on the computer? too much.. i ought to be studying!!
Do you spend a lot of time on instant messaging? i guess..
Do you realize that most things are temporary? sigh.. i guess.. but i believe.. tha true love will last till the end..
How long has it been since you went to town? last wed i think..
Do you like to write poetry? uh-huh...
Do you like to read poetry? uh-huh...
What is your favorite color of ink to write in? depends on my mood..
Would you rather write in pen or pencil? pencil, cos it can be erased..
How tall are you? 165
What is your favorite pet? currently, my one and only precious lil' chinchilla!! but i want a dog!!
Who do you always talk to online? erm... don really like talkin to ppl online..
Do you like rain? love it, except when i wanna swim
Do you think lightning is awesome? its nature's very on work of art!
Do you have glow-in-the-dark stars? yes!!! they glow on my ceiling!!! =>
Do you miss someone? yup.. lots and lots and lots!
What do you think of the internet? faceless.. very insecure...
What do you think of Bill Gates? he will be a kind soul if he transfers half his bank account to me!
What do you think of today's rap? -shrug-
What was the last song you downloaded? erm.. can rmb....
Do you smoke/drink? uh-huh..
Do you blog? yup.. i enjoy seeing alphabets appear from the thin vertical black line..
Have you ever been in a life or death situation? uh-huh.. before i was born
Who's the last person who wrote a testimonial to you? the last wordy testimonial was from sofrie!!
Life is? i'll tell u when i reach the end..
On a scale from 0 to 10, how happy are you? i'm neutral
What are the things.. in your wallet? atm, ic, ezlink, photo, pressed wild flower, receipts, no money!!
What's in your mind now? flow star flower round, booboo, econs, maths, and 2 lit essays..
What do you want to do after this? continue slackin..
Have you ever been in a jungle? singapore was a jungle!! ok la.... ubin counted..?
5 things that you miss? him, lil' cousies, him, days of ignorance,him..
Do you hate anyone? nope.. just strong dislike..
What do you want to say to yourself? just keep swimming!!
Have you ever loved someone so much you'd die for him/her? hmmm....
Do you swear? cos not, y the fuck would i wanna swear?!! lol!
Do you know your goals in life? i wanna be happy!
Are you a hard worker? when the drive is there!!
One thing you just can't live without? oxygen!!
What time is it right now? 10.58pm
What was the most expensive thing lastest thing you bought for someone? the file i guess..
Gen-X or Gen-Y (born in the year 1979 or later)? Y!!
What's your Chinese astrology sign and the element? fire tiger
What did you do yesterday? donno la. i got short term memory.. OHOHOH!!! went to ster's new house... played life!! weiying has an impotent husband, ster has 2 girls kickin her husbands ass, and i'm the poorest. -sulk-
If you love someone, you have to learn to let go in some ways or another. If they return to you, it was meant to be. If they don't, their love was never yours to begin with... No point holding on so tight...
a great love is when you shed tears and still cares for him & still longs for him, he begins to love another and yet you still smile and say " I'm happy for you " (:
the worst thing in the world is seeing the one you love with the one they love. you always love the ones who leaves you and leaves the one who loves you.
loving is not how you forget but how you forgive, not how you listen but how you understand, not what you see but how you feel and not how you let go but how you hold on.
a guy and a girl can be just friends , but.. at one point or another , one of them will fall for the other , maybe temporary , maybe at wrong time , maybe too late , maybe .. Just maybe... forever...
**once again, stolen from somewhere.. this time from a bulletin on friendster..
a great love is when you shed tears and still cares for him & still longs for him, he begins to love another and yet you still smile and say " I'm happy for you " (:
the worst thing in the world is seeing the one you love with the one they love. you always love the ones who leaves you and leaves the one who loves you.
loving is not how you forget but how you forgive, not how you listen but how you understand, not what you see but how you feel and not how you let go but how you hold on.
a guy and a girl can be just friends , but.. at one point or another , one of them will fall for the other , maybe temporary , maybe at wrong time , maybe too late , maybe .. Just maybe... forever...
**once again, stolen from somewhere.. this time from a bulletin on friendster..
Sunday, August 15, 2004
heres my question (with a bit of background): I am gay, as far as I can tell, but I have been getting some odd feelings. The gist of these feeling is to get a girlfriend. What do you think i should do? Should I give girls a go?
P.S. You look really hot in your pictures nice abs too.
****** ******
Thanks ******!
I don't think being gay should be mutually exclusive from getting a girlfriend. Only then you won't technically be gay but rather bi.
I prefer girls myself for several reasons:
They're softer. I have plenty of muscle tissue to go around. Breast tissue however...
They have less hair. Sorry. Two foul-smelling post-workout armpits are enough for me.
They are not as big of sluts as guys. Did you know that according to Maxim, the average girl screws less than 10 guys in her lifetime? I will be in the top 10 of so many! Good luck!
** from liquid generation newsletter
heres my question (with a bit of background): I am gay, as far as I can tell, but I have been getting some odd feelings. The gist of these feeling is to get a girlfriend. What do you think i should do? Should I give girls a go?
P.S. You look really hot in your pictures nice abs too.
****** ******
Thanks ******!
I don't think being gay should be mutually exclusive from getting a girlfriend. Only then you won't technically be gay but rather bi.
I prefer girls myself for several reasons:
They're softer. I have plenty of muscle tissue to go around. Breast tissue however...
They have less hair. Sorry. Two foul-smelling post-workout armpits are enough for me.
They are not as big of sluts as guys. Did you know that according to Maxim, the average girl screws less than 10 guys in her lifetime? I will be in the top 10 of so many! Good luck!
** from liquid generation newsletter
had a lovely day today.. was happily studying.. (yes, i studied!!!!)
then we went swimming and jacuzi-ing and steam-bathing and preening in front of the mirror...
saw joseph lim...*waves* we miss ya!!!!
and i'm sorry i slept thru the morning.. so i missed gym.. sorry girls!!
hmmm... i'm a needy girl right now..
i need raspberry cheesecake and ice-blended mocha,
caesar salad with tuna and spicy tuna linguine,
wedges with tartar and newyork sausage puff,
pure starfruit juice with nata de coco and lime juice with heaps of ice,
prata and sardine puffs,
swensen's tall tower ice-cream and apple crumble with vanilla ice-cream ad whip cream.
mashed garlic potato and ultra cheesy pizza with pepperoni on top,
creamy mushroom soup covered witth puff pastry and freshly toasted bread with butter,
sponsered trip to maldives and sunway lagoon,
sponsered trip to milan and panama,
sponsered trip to marie france bodyline,
and more which i shall not disclose..
so there. i'm a needy girl.
then we went swimming and jacuzi-ing and steam-bathing and preening in front of the mirror...
saw joseph lim...*waves* we miss ya!!!!
and i'm sorry i slept thru the morning.. so i missed gym.. sorry girls!!
hmmm... i'm a needy girl right now..
i need raspberry cheesecake and ice-blended mocha,
caesar salad with tuna and spicy tuna linguine,
wedges with tartar and newyork sausage puff,
pure starfruit juice with nata de coco and lime juice with heaps of ice,
prata and sardine puffs,
swensen's tall tower ice-cream and apple crumble with vanilla ice-cream ad whip cream.
mashed garlic potato and ultra cheesy pizza with pepperoni on top,
creamy mushroom soup covered witth puff pastry and freshly toasted bread with butter,
sponsered trip to maldives and sunway lagoon,
sponsered trip to milan and panama,
sponsered trip to marie france bodyline,
and more which i shall not disclose..
so there. i'm a needy girl.
Saturday, August 14, 2004
i miss the swings. but i finally got a taste of it.. and as always, it calms the nerves...
as tho for a moment, all your troubles have gone..
and all that's left are the trees and the dark dark sky above you..
and you are encaptured in your own world of peace and tranquility..
all of a sudden, you feel like a child once more.
swinging free, flying into the air
the wind in your face and running thru your hair..
like a lover's gentle caress...
you feel like nothing in the world matters anymore,
the most impt thing is to swing as high as possible,
and to savour the moment with all your heart and soul..
and a smile spreads across your face..
talking about the most absurd things while at the playground.. lol..
it was great... then company to the church..
i realised God never closes his doors, literally.
the gates of the church were still open past midnight..
Mother Mary's arms were welcoming..
and the candles were still burning bright..
and the silence envelopes you like a warm loving hug
special thanks to my bodyguards for sending me all the way home..
and no, i'm NOT the maid..
take care!!!!
as tho for a moment, all your troubles have gone..
and all that's left are the trees and the dark dark sky above you..
and you are encaptured in your own world of peace and tranquility..
all of a sudden, you feel like a child once more.
swinging free, flying into the air
the wind in your face and running thru your hair..
like a lover's gentle caress...
you feel like nothing in the world matters anymore,
the most impt thing is to swing as high as possible,
and to savour the moment with all your heart and soul..
and a smile spreads across your face..
talking about the most absurd things while at the playground.. lol..
it was great... then company to the church..
i realised God never closes his doors, literally.
the gates of the church were still open past midnight..
Mother Mary's arms were welcoming..
and the candles were still burning bright..
and the silence envelopes you like a warm loving hug
special thanks to my bodyguards for sending me all the way home..
and no, i'm NOT the maid..
take care!!!!
Thursday, August 12, 2004
Tuesday, August 10, 2004
Monday, August 09, 2004
have been pretending to study all day...
pretending to study: sit in front of the tv with books open, staring at tv and flipping the pages of the book.
singapore idol is.............. erm...... quite....... erm........... well.............................................. ok. i donno what to say. the judges are...... well........ let's just say i prefer simon cowell..
poor shanghai guy... he seemed so desperate to get the confirmation slip.. mr lemon tree is a stale carbon copy of the already uber stale will hung.. and the girl who cried before anything started, get a life. may i have the permission to end this entry?
like whatever! *prances off in 6-inch heels*
have been pretending to study all day...
pretending to study: sit in front of the tv with books open, staring at tv and flipping the pages of the book.
singapore idol is.............. erm...... quite....... erm........... well.............................................. ok. i donno what to say. the judges are...... well........ let's just say i prefer simon cowell..
poor shanghai guy... he seemed so desperate to get the confirmation slip.. mr lemon tree is a stale carbon copy of the already uber stale will hung.. and the girl who cried before anything started, get a life. may i have the permission to end this entry?
like whatever! *prances off in 6-inch heels*
free entry to centro, free drinks..
new friends!!!! lol....
the toni and guy graduation ceremony was good..
manda looked GREAT!!!!!!! hahahahaa..
glad i went, glad manda invited me..
cos it was a good day after all..
walked along the river, watched some concert...
saw loadsa fanatics... eek.
met fashion designer of chanel and the likes..
have been meeting lotsa interesting new ppl recently..
new friends!!!! lol....
the toni and guy graduation ceremony was good..
manda looked GREAT!!!!!!! hahahahaa..
glad i went, glad manda invited me..
cos it was a good day after all..
walked along the river, watched some concert...
saw loadsa fanatics... eek.
met fashion designer of chanel and the likes..
have been meeting lotsa interesting new ppl recently..
Saturday, August 07, 2004
hmmm... just so veryvery happy today.. no idea why...
went to school with he mindset that i was gonna enjoy myself..
and i did!!!
the race was funfunfun!!!
for your infomation, 03A3 was the first to complete the race!!
however, due to mix-up on the sc's part, we were given the wrong map, n thus couldnt get to the treasure...
but i think overall, we won the best prize: today was the day when class spirit was at it's utmost highest level!!
thankiew Alecia for coming!!!! and all the others that came.... you people made the day, THE day!!!
*lotsa hugs and kisses* to all the wonderful ppl in my class who turned up, i'm glad we all had fun =>
OH!!! miss b-tan was there!!!!! -grinnn-
and to miss chew and mr haniss: thankiew for being such lovely teachers!!!
"YOU CAN ACHIEVE!!!!".. mr haniss sang that to us.... yes mr haniss, WE CAN!!!!!!!!!!
and miss chew, little but full of smiles and such a bundle of joy and excitement.. u rock on miss chew!!!!
we're not gonna disappoint ya!
and we sang and we laughed and we had fun and we jumped around and i felt.... somehow.... a ny spirit.. it's an extremely new feeling!! i never felt that way before.. and perhaps never again.... but for this one day, i felt it.. n i felt like i was back in sec sch again.. for the first time in my life, i joined in and cheered with the rest of the school... cheered for the nation, and for the school.. for the first time, i felt like school was a place that i could call "home"..
went to esther's house after school... scribbled all over the walls.. hahahahaaa... so fun!!!! pity she's moving tmr.. i think her walls never looked better!!! lalalala.... ster has GORGEOUS WALLS!!!!!! sigh... i silently said goodbye to her estate.. don't ask me y i feel so attached to her place... i just like it a lot.... it's like this HUGE chalet... feel so at ease there... sigh...... anw, we're going back there next week to swim!! -happyhappy- i was walking around and decorating all her walls.. while esther was packing and she found so many memories!! she found wy and est's X-pigs, cursing of the albatross, the philosophy of ticklish people, my drawing of cyclops blowing hot air into a hot-air balloon, and est's SR poem that we were tryin to recall that day!!!
hahahaa.... super cute!!! lol.... and i rmb laughing at the girls slapping the guys!
nostalgia: back at sr.... wih my 7 other beloved cygnus people!!!
anw, went to queensway with xinyu n weiying after school to change my shoe... finally got the correct size! lalalaa.... on the rain ride there.. we were happily composing songs to the tune of xi shui chang liu! UBER NICE SONGS RIGHT?!!!!! had dimsum at chinatown after that.. but they ran out of my fave porridge. grrrr.... nvm, i 'ordered' porridge for this sunday!! hahaa..
rushed home after that, then rushed back down town to meet, as pk put it, "my dear friends" for a get together!! guess when was the last time we had a complete gathereing..? ALMOST A YEAR AGO!!!! all pk's fault!!! that mean crazy thing!! this time, it wasn't 'waiting for amanda' that we played.. it was 'waiting for pk'!!
but we still 'love' him la... right?? hahaaa.... he's is mad and high!! high on the sun and the UV ray!! and daryl was happily... hmmm..... doing the things that delight him the most!! lol... with daryl's recommendation, ended up opposite paradiz... eating pizza, onion rings, calamari, drinking chilled tea, beer and breathing in first and second hand smoke.. lol.... it smelt really sweet tho... lolol!
discussed almost everything and caught up with each other.... talking, crapping, betting on whether the oranges were real or fake!! sigh... i miss these guys soooooooooo much!!!!! twas' great seeing you people again!!!!! *hugs and kisses* WE RULE!!!!!!!
anw, prezzies!!!!!!!! stef looked like the cutest lil kiddo hugging her mogu!!! hahaa.... n yanjun was happily hugging her mogu while we waited for pk..... leo and kwee changed into their new tees!!! leo has a really pretty tee that says,"save our strippers"!! hahahaa... n kwee's tee has pk's oily finger prints on them!! pk got a new red tee and I GOT A PRETTY WONDERFUL WHITE FRUITY BAG!!!! ok, that was leo's idea of mango... "how come she got a fruit and we didnt???!!" lol..
hmmm... just so veryvery happy today.. no idea why...
went to school with he mindset that i was gonna enjoy myself..
and i did!!!
the race was funfunfun!!!
for your infomation, 03A3 was the first to complete the race!!
however, due to mix-up on the sc's part, we were given the wrong map, n thus couldnt get to the treasure...
but i think overall, we won the best prize: today was the day when class spirit was at it's utmost highest level!!
thankiew Alecia for coming!!!! and all the others that came.... you people made the day, THE day!!!
*lotsa hugs and kisses* to all the wonderful ppl in my class who turned up, i'm glad we all had fun =>
OH!!! miss b-tan was there!!!!! -grinnn-
and to miss chew and mr haniss: thankiew for being such lovely teachers!!!
"YOU CAN ACHIEVE!!!!".. mr haniss sang that to us.... yes mr haniss, WE CAN!!!!!!!!!!
and miss chew, little but full of smiles and such a bundle of joy and excitement.. u rock on miss chew!!!!
we're not gonna disappoint ya!
and we sang and we laughed and we had fun and we jumped around and i felt.... somehow.... a ny spirit.. it's an extremely new feeling!! i never felt that way before.. and perhaps never again.... but for this one day, i felt it.. n i felt like i was back in sec sch again.. for the first time in my life, i joined in and cheered with the rest of the school... cheered for the nation, and for the school.. for the first time, i felt like school was a place that i could call "home"..
went to esther's house after school... scribbled all over the walls.. hahahahaaa... so fun!!!! pity she's moving tmr.. i think her walls never looked better!!! lalalala.... ster has GORGEOUS WALLS!!!!!! sigh... i silently said goodbye to her estate.. don't ask me y i feel so attached to her place... i just like it a lot.... it's like this HUGE chalet... feel so at ease there... sigh...... anw, we're going back there next week to swim!! -happyhappy- i was walking around and decorating all her walls.. while esther was packing and she found so many memories!! she found wy and est's X-pigs, cursing of the albatross, the philosophy of ticklish people, my drawing of cyclops blowing hot air into a hot-air balloon, and est's SR poem that we were tryin to recall that day!!!
unpredictably girls are square..
most of their skin is very fair
most of their skin is very fair
drinking coffee makes them mad,
sipping syrup makes them sad.
should you find this hard to swallow,
you are undeniably shallow!
hahahaa.... super cute!!! lol.... and i rmb laughing at the girls slapping the guys!
nostalgia: back at sr.... wih my 7 other beloved cygnus people!!!
anw, went to queensway with xinyu n weiying after school to change my shoe... finally got the correct size! lalalaa.... on the rain ride there.. we were happily composing songs to the tune of xi shui chang liu! UBER NICE SONGS RIGHT?!!!!! had dimsum at chinatown after that.. but they ran out of my fave porridge. grrrr.... nvm, i 'ordered' porridge for this sunday!! hahaa..
rushed home after that, then rushed back down town to meet, as pk put it, "my dear friends" for a get together!! guess when was the last time we had a complete gathereing..? ALMOST A YEAR AGO!!!! all pk's fault!!! that mean crazy thing!! this time, it wasn't 'waiting for amanda' that we played.. it was 'waiting for pk'!!
but we still 'love' him la... right?? hahaaa.... he's is mad and high!! high on the sun and the UV ray!! and daryl was happily... hmmm..... doing the things that delight him the most!! lol... with daryl's recommendation, ended up opposite paradiz... eating pizza, onion rings, calamari, drinking chilled tea, beer and breathing in first and second hand smoke.. lol.... it smelt really sweet tho... lolol!
discussed almost everything and caught up with each other.... talking, crapping, betting on whether the oranges were real or fake!! sigh... i miss these guys soooooooooo much!!!!! twas' great seeing you people again!!!!! *hugs and kisses* WE RULE!!!!!!!
anw, prezzies!!!!!!!! stef looked like the cutest lil kiddo hugging her mogu!!! hahaa.... n yanjun was happily hugging her mogu while we waited for pk..... leo and kwee changed into their new tees!!! leo has a really pretty tee that says,"save our strippers"!! hahahaa... n kwee's tee has pk's oily finger prints on them!! pk got a new red tee and I GOT A PRETTY WONDERFUL WHITE FRUITY BAG!!!! ok, that was leo's idea of mango... "how come she got a fruit and we didnt???!!" lol..
srjc-cygnus' 03
and lastly, i got replies!!!
so you see... isn't today an extremely happy day??!!!! i'm marking this day in my calender!! it's really really lovely!! it's the day where i was happy all day, and it was my best national day celebration ever!!!
so you see... isn't today an extremely happy day??!!!! i'm marking this day in my calender!! it's really really lovely!! it's the day where i was happy all day, and it was my best national day celebration ever!!!
Thank You God.
Tuesday, August 03, 2004
erm..... had half a spring chicken, mash potatoes and soup for lunch today... proudly homecooked by me and ying!! lalalalaaa........
then i went to slp for bout 1+ hour... woke up, endured 2 hours of drudgery.. reallised that i still owe a hell lot of cash...
Can those people who owe me kindly return me my money???? i need it desperately!!!
then xinyu's dad sent me home... such nice people... *smile*
lovelove* people!!!
just keep swimming!!
then i went to slp for bout 1+ hour... woke up, endured 2 hours of drudgery.. reallised that i still owe a hell lot of cash...
Can those people who owe me kindly return me my money???? i need it desperately!!!
then xinyu's dad sent me home... such nice people... *smile*
lovelove* people!!!
just keep swimming!!
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