i have NEVER EVER drunk so much i turned red.
today's the first time. in class, no less. =)
i really love school. i get to drink till i'm woozy and can't see straight.
sounds screwed, but it's really kinda fun. i have all the liquers i want, mix them up, and drink it. if it sucks, dump it. =) all in the name of research for my project.
i really love school.
and i'm really kinda pissed. pictures will be up when i've loaded them.. for now, i'm staying in school till i don't feel as pissed. heh.
i need to pee.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Friday, May 05, 2006
Day 1
Arrival at five thirty in the morning. Madness! daddy drives me to airport, daddy spots cliff, cassan happily bounces to gate, smiling like an idiot. DO YOU KNOW HOW FUCKING MUCH I MISS YOU?!!!!!!

Cliff meets gramma and uncle, drops luggage, we go down to maroubra. He likes daddy's house. me too. the view is da bomb!!! can you believe he saw whales from his window??!!!
me: you really saw whales???? that's so cool!! when are they coming back again?? i wanna see them too!!
dad: i'll call them and ask........................
went to the beach after that.. it was a damn cold morning... imagine wearing a sweater and jeans at the beach, with the sun shining bright but the wind so bitterly cold!! hahaa. and cliff was complainign about the stainless steel toilet bowl seats...
"how to shit??!!!"
off to east gardens after the beach.. showed him my favourite pet shop, forced him to shop for winter clothes with me, had some lunch.. then headed home to get my camera.
then we went to the sydney aquarium.

see? that's why i love him!! he goes to all these places with me, that no one else will bother about!!! =))
poor baby was having indigestion though.... but he still managed to see the seals and the sharks and the lil lonely salt water crocodile and the pretty jellyfishes, and the stoning starfished and the cute octopusy with me!!! i lovelovelove him!!!!
the cute octopusy!!

there's a lil crabby in here if you look closely..

sea urchins. lee would wanna eat them!! hahaa

sea dragon!!! draaaagon!! i don't do the tongue thing!!

aren't the penguins cute????

super cool fish!!! check out it's markings!!

can you spot how many starfishes there are in this picture?? (there shld be 7!!)

and THIS, ladies and gentlemen, is a sea APPLE!!

and guess what? i learnt how to differenciate between the male and the female sharks and stingrays!!! damn cool!!! let me teach you too.........
this one is a ugly male. the two bits of flesh at the bottom are long and kinda pointy..

this one is a male with very nice bits!! haha. see how long and sleek the genitals are??

and this is a female. instead of two long pointy bits, it has a flat edge.

can you tell the difference now?? so if you meet a shark when you're swimming, try swimming underneath it to see if it's a male or a female!! cool huh?
COOL MY ASS!! if you meet a shark when you're swimming, pray that you're not gonna die!!! hahahaha
me and my baby, into the blue.

really lovely picture. the amazing fishes swimming around in schools, the sharks gliding through the water, the corals all around, and of course, my baby right smack in the middle! =)

We stone outside the aquarium for a while... grabbed some chips... cliff tries to burn my nose..

then he stubs out his ciggie...........

...................on his shoe (THAT I BOUGHT. ass.), and looks for a bin to throw it..

then he looks cool when drinking his hot chocolate.....

i have never ever gotten a cliff overload. hee. =)
last stop of the day, krispy kremes. we consulted the map.. walked down the street.... then suddenly....
me: dear.. i think i smell donuts. is it really donuts?? or is it my imagination????!!
cliff: it's donuts!!!!!! i smell it too!!!
just a few metres away was the flourescent krispy kremes signboard..
lucky us =) bought a erm.. devil's something, and a chocolate coated ice-cream filled donut to try. fucking sweet. yuck.
anyway, we headed home, and my dad brought us out for thai dinner with aunty sophie, uncle rick, jacqui and tamara... her boyfriend and friends joined us much later.. and they introduced me to something new. and good. honey wheat beer. it roooccccckksss!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =)))
Day 2
ZOO!!!! yes. i have a fetish for zoos!!! =)

Took a bus down, past the hotel i work at, walked past my school, then ended up at circular quay. I showed cliff my favourite spot for breakfast- right in front of the harbour bridge!! Had mcdonald's breakfast at the quay, fucking seagull swopped down and snatched my burger!!! i was holding it so close to me! i just turned my head to look at somethign and the fucking gull stole my breakfast!!! cheebye.
met up with christina, and her bf, soul, as well as yuki. his gf couldn't make it tho.. so it was 5 of us. entrance to the zoo with our $5 tickets (usual $30). Special rates for Southern Cross students only =))
the asian guy is yuki, not the disgusting women digging her nose behind..

Took a ferry down to taronga zoo... it was a very nice ride down.. i like ferries =) Plus the view of the bridge is so much nicer! hehe.
Soul: the two of them have such big sunnies!!!

We took a cable car up to the top of the zoo!!! funfunfun!!! i seriously like all these stuff! ferries and cable cars and... erm... zoos! haha.
ok i know you can't see much in this picture, but IMAGINE k? we were on the cable car then.. =)

ok... then, we toured the zoo. showed cliff my favourite echidna!!! they're sooooo cute!!!! and the platypus was so adorable too!!!! swimswimswim!!! (that thing below is an echidna, it's cuter than a porcupine!)

the thing i realise about the zoo and the aqarium, is that they only have one of most animals. that's so sad!!! poor lonely animals... =/
OH!!! alot of the animals have fucking HUGE balls!!!!! hahaahahahaa!!! the boys noticed this first!!!! tsktsk.....

they had this cute ladybug chair!! =)


finally christina and i have a picture that shows more than just our face- it's a half body shot! yeh!

i don't ever wanna meet this bear!!!

tiger and ME! tigerme. tigress. tiger and tigress. i like this shot!

their lions look more handsome than the ones in the singapore zoo!!

awwwww... ain't he cute????

hahaa. the boys have smaller eyes then the girls!!!

tying me to him..

lovelove =)

zoo party

what is school without christina?!!!

on the way back from the zoo, i made cliff photo whore with me. hehe, us and the opera house!

we had dinner at kenny' mom's restaurant.. the food was quite good... and just when we were all super full....... they brought out another plate of potato noodles- courtesy of kenny! it was really nice!!! but we were really tooo damn full!!! how? just take away!! hehe. that packet of noodles became cliff's, xinyu's and my breakfast the next day =)
oh. went back to krispy kreme and bought 6 boxes of donuts.. 2 for my family, 4 for my girls. i sat there and kept eating whilst everyone was talking =) not that i liked it very much... but i just felt like eating. hehee.
Day 3
and on the third day, we went to melbourne! heh. uncle john brought us down to the airport, and we were shifted to an earlier flight. i got so upset cos i couldn't find my phone, and i though i forgot to bring it. i found it a day later, in my cosmetics bag.. =/

anyway, after a short flight (my first flight with cliff!!!!), took a bus to the city, AND I SAW XINYU!!!!!! omgomgomg!!! my best my best my best!!!!!!! i loooovvveeeee youuuu!!!!!!!!

we went back to her place, put our stuff down, then prodeeded to stuff our faces with all the different krispy kreme flavours!! hahaa. yinsiu were there to stuff her face with us. Krispy kreme original tastes the best after 17sec in the microwave!!! Go try!!!

The state library looks really good. love the architecture!

After we had our fill, we went shopping at smith street.

Cliff's artwork!

we bought sooooooooo much!!! (Cliff carried everything)

had lunch at a cosy italian place...

on the way back; my favourite ppl on the tram!

some best friend madness=)

then headed home for my dinner- cooked by two lovely princesses. it's the first time they cooked for me!!!!! and it was good food too!! hehe. can you believe it's xinyu and yinsiu cooking??!! =)))

Had some wine with the food, walked home laughing all the way. High on love, happiness, and wine.
Went to sleep with a smile on my face, with the two people i love most in the world just a few steps away. What can be better??
Day 4
DIMSUM day!!!!! Waitresses walking around with their trolleys, me ordering almost everything, the roast duck was heavenly and the company was priceless =) Don't mess with us!! We speak and understand cantonese perfectly well!!! Oh!! we had tau huay too!!! i miss tau huay!!!!! Sigh. i loveeee my girlies =)

After that, I just remember walking miles, then ending up at lygon street where we pigged out at brunetti's!!!! The amount of little delights there!!! OMG!!!! (i just drowned a couple of ants with my drool!)

Yinsiu went on a sugar high!!!! she was sooooo cute!!! hahaaa. and there we were... walking along the street singing weird songs and trying to remember the xinmin student creed. i miss my girls so much =/

Late evening saw me and Cliff going to a 3 star hotel... After fullerton, nothing measures up..... =/ But the honey wheat beer and pizza was good though... Just insuffucient. hahahaa. I WANT MORE FOOOOOD!!!!!!!!
after dinner....
me: ok. i'm going to sleep, i need to digest. i'll be up in an hour...
3 hours later i was still sleeping. =x
Day 5
The start of Cliff's fifth day in aussie, and our third day in melbourne. Xinyu went to school in the morning... Cliff and i walked around till we decided on a cafe for breakfast. It was fucking goooood food!!! We had a huge breakfast each- bacon, eggs, sausages, sauteed mushrooms, spinach, grilled tomatoes and hashbrown!!! It was spilling off the plate! yumyum!! hee.

We walked around after that, shopped a little more, met xinyu near her place, then went home to lighten our load and get ready to go out again!! heh.

We went to watch the fire at crowne casino, walked around crowne, bought dominoes for dinner again, with beer again.. then straight after dinner, we went downstairs to max brenners for chocolate overload!!

Yinsiu was already waiting for us at max brenners, decked out in her dance gear! haha. We ate 3 different dishes, PLUS the very yummy tiramisu that yinsiu bought for me =) eateateat!!!
cassan loving life. good food and good company. what more can i ask for?!

After max brenners, we went back to xinyu's place to drink more beer, more wine, and play silly card games. priceless priceless. moments like this no amount of money can ever buy!!!!
Day 6
Last day in melbourne....... it's a blue day. so the words are blue...
we stayed home and cried all day cos we were so damn sad.....
Day 1
Arrival at five thirty in the morning. Madness! daddy drives me to airport, daddy spots cliff, cassan happily bounces to gate, smiling like an idiot. DO YOU KNOW HOW FUCKING MUCH I MISS YOU?!!!!!!
Cliff meets gramma and uncle, drops luggage, we go down to maroubra. He likes daddy's house. me too. the view is da bomb!!! can you believe he saw whales from his window??!!!
me: you really saw whales???? that's so cool!! when are they coming back again?? i wanna see them too!!
dad: i'll call them and ask........................
went to the beach after that.. it was a damn cold morning... imagine wearing a sweater and jeans at the beach, with the sun shining bright but the wind so bitterly cold!! hahaa. and cliff was complainign about the stainless steel toilet bowl seats...
"how to shit??!!!"
off to east gardens after the beach.. showed him my favourite pet shop, forced him to shop for winter clothes with me, had some lunch.. then headed home to get my camera.
then we went to the sydney aquarium.
see? that's why i love him!! he goes to all these places with me, that no one else will bother about!!! =))
poor baby was having indigestion though.... but he still managed to see the seals and the sharks and the lil lonely salt water crocodile and the pretty jellyfishes, and the stoning starfished and the cute octopusy with me!!! i lovelovelove him!!!!
the cute octopusy!!
there's a lil crabby in here if you look closely..
sea urchins. lee would wanna eat them!! hahaa
sea dragon!!! draaaagon!! i don't do the tongue thing!!
aren't the penguins cute????
super cool fish!!! check out it's markings!!
can you spot how many starfishes there are in this picture?? (there shld be 7!!)
and THIS, ladies and gentlemen, is a sea APPLE!!
and guess what? i learnt how to differenciate between the male and the female sharks and stingrays!!! damn cool!!! let me teach you too.........
this one is a ugly male. the two bits of flesh at the bottom are long and kinda pointy..
this one is a male with very nice bits!! haha. see how long and sleek the genitals are??
and this is a female. instead of two long pointy bits, it has a flat edge.
can you tell the difference now?? so if you meet a shark when you're swimming, try swimming underneath it to see if it's a male or a female!! cool huh?
COOL MY ASS!! if you meet a shark when you're swimming, pray that you're not gonna die!!! hahahaha
me and my baby, into the blue.
really lovely picture. the amazing fishes swimming around in schools, the sharks gliding through the water, the corals all around, and of course, my baby right smack in the middle! =)
We stone outside the aquarium for a while... grabbed some chips... cliff tries to burn my nose..
then he stubs out his ciggie...........
...................on his shoe (THAT I BOUGHT. ass.), and looks for a bin to throw it..
then he looks cool when drinking his hot chocolate.....
i have never ever gotten a cliff overload. hee. =)
last stop of the day, krispy kremes. we consulted the map.. walked down the street.... then suddenly....
me: dear.. i think i smell donuts. is it really donuts?? or is it my imagination????!!
cliff: it's donuts!!!!!! i smell it too!!!
just a few metres away was the flourescent krispy kremes signboard..
lucky us =) bought a erm.. devil's something, and a chocolate coated ice-cream filled donut to try. fucking sweet. yuck.
anyway, we headed home, and my dad brought us out for thai dinner with aunty sophie, uncle rick, jacqui and tamara... her boyfriend and friends joined us much later.. and they introduced me to something new. and good. honey wheat beer. it roooccccckksss!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =)))
Day 2
ZOO!!!! yes. i have a fetish for zoos!!! =)
Took a bus down, past the hotel i work at, walked past my school, then ended up at circular quay. I showed cliff my favourite spot for breakfast- right in front of the harbour bridge!! Had mcdonald's breakfast at the quay, fucking seagull swopped down and snatched my burger!!! i was holding it so close to me! i just turned my head to look at somethign and the fucking gull stole my breakfast!!! cheebye.
met up with christina, and her bf, soul, as well as yuki. his gf couldn't make it tho.. so it was 5 of us. entrance to the zoo with our $5 tickets (usual $30). Special rates for Southern Cross students only =))
the asian guy is yuki, not the disgusting women digging her nose behind..
Took a ferry down to taronga zoo... it was a very nice ride down.. i like ferries =) Plus the view of the bridge is so much nicer! hehe.
Soul: the two of them have such big sunnies!!!
We took a cable car up to the top of the zoo!!! funfunfun!!! i seriously like all these stuff! ferries and cable cars and... erm... zoos! haha.
ok i know you can't see much in this picture, but IMAGINE k? we were on the cable car then.. =)
ok... then, we toured the zoo. showed cliff my favourite echidna!!! they're sooooo cute!!!! and the platypus was so adorable too!!!! swimswimswim!!! (that thing below is an echidna, it's cuter than a porcupine!)
the thing i realise about the zoo and the aqarium, is that they only have one of most animals. that's so sad!!! poor lonely animals... =/
OH!!! alot of the animals have fucking HUGE balls!!!!! hahaahahahaa!!! the boys noticed this first!!!! tsktsk.....
they had this cute ladybug chair!! =)
finally christina and i have a picture that shows more than just our face- it's a half body shot! yeh!
i don't ever wanna meet this bear!!!
tiger and ME! tigerme. tigress. tiger and tigress. i like this shot!
their lions look more handsome than the ones in the singapore zoo!!
awwwww... ain't he cute????
hahaa. the boys have smaller eyes then the girls!!!
tying me to him..
lovelove =)
zoo party
what is school without christina?!!!
on the way back from the zoo, i made cliff photo whore with me. hehe, us and the opera house!
we had dinner at kenny' mom's restaurant.. the food was quite good... and just when we were all super full....... they brought out another plate of potato noodles- courtesy of kenny! it was really nice!!! but we were really tooo damn full!!! how? just take away!! hehe. that packet of noodles became cliff's, xinyu's and my breakfast the next day =)
oh. went back to krispy kreme and bought 6 boxes of donuts.. 2 for my family, 4 for my girls. i sat there and kept eating whilst everyone was talking =) not that i liked it very much... but i just felt like eating. hehee.
Day 3
and on the third day, we went to melbourne! heh. uncle john brought us down to the airport, and we were shifted to an earlier flight. i got so upset cos i couldn't find my phone, and i though i forgot to bring it. i found it a day later, in my cosmetics bag.. =/
anyway, after a short flight (my first flight with cliff!!!!), took a bus to the city, AND I SAW XINYU!!!!!! omgomgomg!!! my best my best my best!!!!!!! i loooovvveeeee youuuu!!!!!!!!
we went back to her place, put our stuff down, then prodeeded to stuff our faces with all the different krispy kreme flavours!! hahaa. yinsiu were there to stuff her face with us. Krispy kreme original tastes the best after 17sec in the microwave!!! Go try!!!
The state library looks really good. love the architecture!
After we had our fill, we went shopping at smith street.
Cliff's artwork!
we bought sooooooooo much!!! (Cliff carried everything)
had lunch at a cosy italian place...
on the way back; my favourite ppl on the tram!
some best friend madness=)
then headed home for my dinner- cooked by two lovely princesses. it's the first time they cooked for me!!!!! and it was good food too!! hehe. can you believe it's xinyu and yinsiu cooking??!! =)))
Had some wine with the food, walked home laughing all the way. High on love, happiness, and wine.
Went to sleep with a smile on my face, with the two people i love most in the world just a few steps away. What can be better??
Day 4
DIMSUM day!!!!! Waitresses walking around with their trolleys, me ordering almost everything, the roast duck was heavenly and the company was priceless =) Don't mess with us!! We speak and understand cantonese perfectly well!!! Oh!! we had tau huay too!!! i miss tau huay!!!!! Sigh. i loveeee my girlies =)
After that, I just remember walking miles, then ending up at lygon street where we pigged out at brunetti's!!!! The amount of little delights there!!! OMG!!!! (i just drowned a couple of ants with my drool!)
Yinsiu went on a sugar high!!!! she was sooooo cute!!! hahaaa. and there we were... walking along the street singing weird songs and trying to remember the xinmin student creed. i miss my girls so much =/
Late evening saw me and Cliff going to a 3 star hotel... After fullerton, nothing measures up..... =/ But the honey wheat beer and pizza was good though... Just insuffucient. hahahaa. I WANT MORE FOOOOOD!!!!!!!!
after dinner....
me: ok. i'm going to sleep, i need to digest. i'll be up in an hour...
3 hours later i was still sleeping. =x
Day 5
The start of Cliff's fifth day in aussie, and our third day in melbourne. Xinyu went to school in the morning... Cliff and i walked around till we decided on a cafe for breakfast. It was fucking goooood food!!! We had a huge breakfast each- bacon, eggs, sausages, sauteed mushrooms, spinach, grilled tomatoes and hashbrown!!! It was spilling off the plate! yumyum!! hee.
We walked around after that, shopped a little more, met xinyu near her place, then went home to lighten our load and get ready to go out again!! heh.
We went to watch the fire at crowne casino, walked around crowne, bought dominoes for dinner again, with beer again.. then straight after dinner, we went downstairs to max brenners for chocolate overload!!
Yinsiu was already waiting for us at max brenners, decked out in her dance gear! haha. We ate 3 different dishes, PLUS the very yummy tiramisu that yinsiu bought for me =) eateateat!!!
cassan loving life. good food and good company. what more can i ask for?!
After max brenners, we went back to xinyu's place to drink more beer, more wine, and play silly card games. priceless priceless. moments like this no amount of money can ever buy!!!!
Day 6
Last day in melbourne....... it's a blue day. so the words are blue...
we stayed home and cried all day cos we were so damn sad.....
