sometimes i wish i had superpowers.
Superpower #1
Animal communication. I'd get all the cats to attack the cars of those fucking students who insisted on dragging a table from fucking far away to right next to my table, blocking the whole freaking pathway so that ppl had to squeeze to get through. And in the process of squeezing, bump into my chair. Chaocheebye.
*listen up fellow cats*
go to their cars, slash the tyres, the windscreen, all the glass panels, the entire car body. LEAVE YOUR MARK my friends!!!!
then while trying to move all my stuff up to the other section of macs (finally have space), didn't realise that the mango salad in my bag had spilled. now i have mango infused bag/wallet/notes. chaocheebye.
emptied my whole bag, left valuables at cliff's table, went to the toilet to wash my bag. bf saw all this, and didn't ask what happened. ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
Focus cassan. All the negative energies in you. imagine it all travelling thru your body towards your hands. it's a red ball of powerful energy in your hand.
now use that energy to THROW STONES AT ALL THE STUPID FUCKERS AROUND YOU!!! now let it go. and relax cassan. relax.