A heavy downpour saw the boys huddling together as they ran for the car. aw.... so sweet!!
They were giving out paperbags in town; advertisement for some condom thing i think. I like the bag hehe.
More huddling. Maybe the rain the previous time was just an excuse.... HMMMMM.....
Boy, Edwin, and Mike's Birthday at St James
MORE hugs. *coughgay*cough!! =p
Get a room!
Jane looks super cute here!
Cindy, me and the Girlfriend. Awww.. I miss
I can't remember what this was about... But cute la. heh.
Like a.. "Don't mess with my booze" sorta thing.
You see, it was a picture with Cliff and me.. then the extras squished in!! lol.
Cassan hearts 3-way kisses.. it's the best way to go!!
Twosomes are sloppier, but just not as fun =p Eh Mike, what you trying to do to Joy behind there huh.. tsktsk.
Girlfriend and I turned Karaoke session into RnB clubbing!!!
The girls. 4 of us escaped to powerhouse earlier to get the 5 free drinks (Joy wasn't here then). Jane came back the sober-est. But that much tequila, EW. It's nice when the world spins, but not when your throat tastes like crap.

End of the night: Edwin was terribly gone, that's all I remember. LOL.
25 September 2008
Bag too heavy.. Made him carry my bag for the first time. And I insisted that carrying it any other way will spoil my bag. hehehe!
Cute things that make me happy!
Got free tickets; and free is free even if not as atas as Esther Leong's air-conditioned, free-flowing-food-and-drinks-seats =D
One of our allocated entrances =)
Tsktsk. Spend so much money onthe track, but can't spend a little more to fix this; tourist fall down how? It's gonna leave a bad image of the country!!
Lots of drinks just lying there, with no security; should have stolen some.. you'll find out why in a while..
Signpost! I refused to take pictures cos I was extremely grumpy. I was sweating like a pig (without lipstick; I'm not an American you see.) in my jeans. Why jeans? Because the dress-code was smart casual, and shorts to me do not fall under smart-casual; and I didn't want to wear a dress because I knew I might have to climb around and sit on the ground.
The pretty cars and minimal shade under the trees made me a little happier.
I love this car!! so pretty!!!
This I like cos it's GREEN!
The CLK (or is it the S?!), before it became what it is today.
Another sexy car, one of them was a Jaguar, I just can't remember which!
Happy people =) This was when the sun was setting, and we had cooled off at Starbucks at One Fullerton.
Picturesque sunset.
Thanks Boyfriend. =)
Ferrari!! It's behind bars =/
The crowd trying to get out during the "intermission"
Hoards of people purchasing Ferrari merchandise
This is the reason why I should have stolen drinks!!
A parting shot; My entry ticket, and wax-covered ear plugs =D
Met up with Cliff's friends after F1 for drinks, and to watch the sexy people play pool.