chinablack tonight????? music was.. ok la... BUT THE COMPANY WAS LOVELY! WONDERFUL! FANTASTIC! DELICIOUS! lalalalalaaa... i love my girls.. xinyu, sheryl, jeanne, linda!! (gin!! i miss u!!! WE missED U!!!!)n i love my darlin bestie ND!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!! u're the best!! haha... but still don measure up to u-know-who! haha.. n THANK YOU so veryvery much for listening to my complains.. hee.. u rock! lolx.. n thanks for the pills too!! woohoo!!! hahaa.. so cute!! so cute!! so cute!!!! so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuteeeee!!!!! right?right?right??!!!!!!! hee.. lalallaaa...
n tonight, i found the girl i have been lookin for for ages!!! i found my primary sch good friend, DIANA!!!!! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! hee... well.. first i walking.. den i think someone grab me.. n guess wat? it was pretty joanne!! (i don care! i'm calling her pretty joanne! n if u're readin, ELLO pretty joanne!!) she's really really pretty!! *gushes* ok, anw, i took the chance to ask her bout the dia in her blog, n dia was there, n dia was my dearest diana soh!! *screams* happyhappyhappy!! haha.. happy night! lalalalaa.. met new friend, found old friend.. n talked to best male friend.. andy, if u're reading this.... SO CUTE!!!!! *big fat grin*
hmmm.... company-wise, tonight is tops! really!! -grin- i love ya all sooooo much!! n the last dance, the was MY highlight of the night!! "and the reason is you".. yes you!!!! haha.. lalallaa... i LOVE MY LAST DANCE!!! *muackxmuackxmuackx*
n i am NOT horny la........... -smiles-
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