i'm eating chocolate!!! -grin-
tutor came back from japan with oh-so-lovely chocolates!!
specially for us!!!
i's melt-in-your-mouth, bitter-sweet delicious!!
hmmm.... that sounds like my descripton of caramel ice-blended..
watever. this chocolate is heaven on earth!!
how can i possibly describe it's exquisite taste?
I WANT MORE!!!!!!!
but the chocolate from * are nice too..
a different kinda nice...
this chocolate melts the heart!
such sweet sorrow..
Thursday, July 29, 2004
Tuesday, July 27, 2004
i hate yoU!! hate you to the core. just when i decide you're not so bad oafter all, you JUST GOTTA PICK ON ME AGAIN!!!! YOU SUCK BIG TIME!!!!!! i HATE YOU!!!! FUCKING PICKING ON ME AGAIN!!!!! HAVE YOU NTH BETTER TO DO??!!!!!
of cos i din know how to present!!! i did it EONS AGO!!! who wants to wait for you to be done you screwed up slow coaches??!!!!
YOU FILLED MY PAPER WITH RED INK!! fine. i understand. i know where i went wrong. then you just had to BRING IT UP IN CLASS!! nvm. it's ok, BUT U DIN EVEN WANNA LISTEN TO MY EXPLANATION!!!! like hello??!!!!! listen abit will DIE AR??
i know; ignorance is not an excuse, but u din have to dismiss my explanation the way you did! at least i fuckin did my work myself!! and u din hafta publically humiliate me SO MANY FUCKING TIMES!!! it's fine with me, i did something wrong. BUT U COULD AT LEAST LISTEN!!!
and I WAS LISTENING!!!!!! i've got super short memory. i can absolutely forget what i said in a phone conversation just 1 minute ago. so i listen and i copy at the same time. Y CANT I??? THAT IS MY WAY!!!!
"i dont understand how you can listen. you're not even looking at the board"
(not word for word, but the meaning is exact.)
simple. i use my EARS to listen. NOT MY EYES!
my short term memory is wearing it's course. when i walk out of this library, i will NOT be affected by these miniscule upsets. i refuse.
and tomorrow will be a new day, and thursday i will start anew.
i apologise for my profanities.
sorry blog, i tainted you once again.
thankiew dick.
thankiew daryl.
Sunday, July 25, 2004
was reading through my messages, saw wat manda sent me on my birthday..
"you're finally legal to do stuff you've been doing all along..!!"
how apt. sigh..
i wana club suddenly.. i wanna go back to SOS..
relive that moment on 28 november..
and on christmas day.. where i sat outside cos i cldnt get in till 1+..
and that time at china black.. where the incident took place..
and on new years eve.. when i rushed down from east coast..
and all the other occasions..
i'm old. gotta make up my mind soon..
tho i tink i've already decided..
but its gonna be really easy to make me change my mind..
"you're finally legal to do stuff you've been doing all along..!!"
how apt. sigh..
i wana club suddenly.. i wanna go back to SOS..
relive that moment on 28 november..
and on christmas day.. where i sat outside cos i cldnt get in till 1+..
and that time at china black.. where the incident took place..
and on new years eve.. when i rushed down from east coast..
and all the other occasions..
i'm old. gotta make up my mind soon..
tho i tink i've already decided..
but its gonna be really easy to make me change my mind..
Thursday, July 22, 2004
Wednesday, July 21, 2004
woke up this morning and realised it was raining soooooo heavily, i just couldnt give up the chance to sleep in, so i turned off the alarm and slpt till late...
ha. right. i wish.
anw, went to sch n celebrated racial harmony day.. jo came as roti prata man!!!! lolol! n i was a yellow banana. some said i looked like paddle pop!! lol. eh.. but we all had fun i think..
took lotsalotsa pictures..... picture kaki include: weiying, est, sam, xinyu, joanne, ginny, corinna, erm... tink thats all..?
anw, MY BLOODY MATHS TUITION TEACHER IS HAPPILY SUANING ME!!!! he's sending me lotsa pix of his japan trip.. grrrrrr... FINE! so u're there n we're stuck here. if u don bring back at least 1 suitcase of biscuits for me i'm gonna fail the next maths test!! (thats a very easy job for me! haha)lalalaaa..... i want my japan yummies.....
ha. right. i wish.
anw, went to sch n celebrated racial harmony day.. jo came as roti prata man!!!! lolol! n i was a yellow banana. some said i looked like paddle pop!! lol. eh.. but we all had fun i think..
took lotsalotsa pictures..... picture kaki include: weiying, est, sam, xinyu, joanne, ginny, corinna, erm... tink thats all..?
anw, MY BLOODY MATHS TUITION TEACHER IS HAPPILY SUANING ME!!!! he's sending me lotsa pix of his japan trip.. grrrrrr... FINE! so u're there n we're stuck here. if u don bring back at least 1 suitcase of biscuits for me i'm gonna fail the next maths test!! (thats a very easy job for me! haha)lalalaaa..... i want my japan yummies.....
Sunday, July 18, 2004
i am officially old. and it's not my birthday anymore. -sulks-
fine, i admit i wasted my day by sleeping till 4... but...... sigh.. i still haven't bought my 4d and ttoto.. shall do so tmr.... andy is so sweet... he n his gf were trying to locate me in town so that they could personally wish me a happy birthday... how sweet can u get..? lolx.. thankiew bestie!!!
anw, had dinner with mom at swensens..
something was missing..
aching insides..
fine, i admit i wasted my day by sleeping till 4... but...... sigh.. i still haven't bought my 4d and ttoto.. shall do so tmr.... andy is so sweet... he n his gf were trying to locate me in town so that they could personally wish me a happy birthday... how sweet can u get..? lolx.. thankiew bestie!!!
anw, had dinner with mom at swensens..
something was missing..
aching insides..
Saturday, July 17, 2004
xinyu n sheryl are soooooooo sweet!!!!!!!!!!
they just left, after delivering sunflowers!! hurhur~ 7 to be exact!! so now i have 7 huge sunflowers sitting in my bedroom!! -grin- such sweetness in these girls! THANKIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i noe i look like shit.. but wat do u expect.. i just woke up lor... just wake up means too grouchy to smile properly... lets look at my flowers instead!!
my flower!!
they just left, after delivering sunflowers!! hurhur~ 7 to be exact!! so now i have 7 huge sunflowers sitting in my bedroom!! -grin- such sweetness in these girls! THANKIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i noe i look like shit.. but wat do u expect.. i just woke up lor... just wake up means too grouchy to smile properly... lets look at my flowers instead!!

lalalalaaaaa....... o3a3 rocks!!!! thankiew to those that planned the suprise singing in the canteen for me... real sweet of ya all!! tho i think i look really bad la.. cos i just had pe n was all sweaty and stuff... i really love u ppl!!! n it's the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for my birthday.. it's really been an eighteenth birthday to remember.. *hugs and kisses* thanks for the extremely loud and attention grabbing song-singing.. HEY.. i'm NOT complaining!! haha.. tho it was scary sitting alone there.. but THANKIEW!!!!!
happyhappy me!!
a huge thankiew for the lovely prezzies... the sweetest prezzie literally, has to be from xinyu: NUTELLA!!!!! *slurps*
anw, ppl i wanna thank from the bottom of my heart:
Mommy dearest (for bein mommy dearest!)
Uncle Dearest #1 (for calling me up again n again till i woke up to answer the call!!)
Uncle Dearest #2 (whose birthday is today!!!!!)
Aunty Dearest (who called from US of A his morning, but i was half aslp so i cant rmb what i said or what she said!!)
Gramma (i know she loves meeeee!!!!!!!!!)
Cute lil' cousie (he woke up from his slp n he went,"appiee birdday cousin!!"!!!!!)
Dad, Uncle n Aunt (for calling n calling till i picked up!)
Class of 03A3 ( for the super loud song session in the canteen!! thankiew sooooooo much!!!)
Xinyu (for everything!!!)
Esther (for skippin ** to buy my fave cake!!! -grin- i love est!!!)
Weiying (for the prezzie, and spending the first n last moments with me!!! n actin xl with me too!!)
Sheryl (for the prezzie too, and for spending the last n first few moments with me!!)
Manda (for the 3 msges!! hurhur~ and for bein my dearest sillybilly dumdum darling!!)
Grace (for sending me hugs and kisses, and throwin me off balance when she hugged me!! n for the prezzie!)
Nana (for bein so encouragin n for the prezzie-to-come too!)
Kim (for wanting to bring me out for a treat!! yumyum!!!)
Andy (for wanting to drag me out to dinner! haha.. n for msging me!!)
Ginny (for wantin to come, but was sick. get well soon too!! n ur arts board is pretty!!!)
Joanne (for appearin for a lil while in the canteen n bein so cute!)
Ping Nee (get well soon!!! n thank yu!)
Robinson (for bein so nice as to help pass me my prezzie, and for the nonsense i miss!)
Benjy (for calling!!)
Jam (for coming to dinner!! n for the prezzie)
Soohui (for her sweet msg, no worries, i'll stay bitchy!!)
Khay Wee (for his msg tho i msged him late on his day!!!)
Leonard (for his msg.. and for being a nice guy!! )
Daryl (for congratulating me!!)
Sixiang (for the msg he claimed to be 1 day early on purpose!!)
Eugene (for the prezzie and for calling me aft church!!)
Marcus (for the yuan qi apple!!)
Joel (for congratulatin me, wishin me, and givin out the cake for me!!! n for singing soooo loudly!!)
Steven (for contributing to my prezzie too!!)
Dudley (for the chewing gum!!)
Stef (for bein so sweet n rmbing, i miss u!!!)
Yanjun (for the sweeeet msg too!!! i miss u also!!)
Koh Shimin (for rmbing n msging me!!! )
Gideon (for this msg, and other msges that he sent when he thot i was sick!! )
XiaoShi (for rmbing my birthday after soooo many yrs, and for tryin to find me in sch today.. heh )
Xuelin (for rmbing my birthday after so many yrs!)
Yinsiu (for msging me, tho she cldnt join us for dinner ytd.. heh)
Jeanne (for the msg n for thinking of goin for dinner wih us!!)
Samantha (for being sooooo sweet.. lets all jiayou together!! )
Miss Chew (for her well-wishes and sweet msges)
Miss Victor (for her well-wishes and help in gettin serviettes for us!!)
Mr Haniss (for his well-wishes too.. tho he cldnt eat the cake...)
Mr Chong (for the well-wishes, for callin the rich chocolate cake; creamy, and for the way he looked like a lil boy when he looked thru my prezzies! )
erm.. there may be some i forget to mention, if so, pls notify me k!
note: order of names in no particular order!!
thanks soooooooo much once again!!!!!

happyhappy me!!
a huge thankiew for the lovely prezzies... the sweetest prezzie literally, has to be from xinyu: NUTELLA!!!!! *slurps*
anw, ppl i wanna thank from the bottom of my heart:
Mommy dearest (for bein mommy dearest!)
Uncle Dearest #1 (for calling me up again n again till i woke up to answer the call!!)
Uncle Dearest #2 (whose birthday is today!!!!!)
Aunty Dearest (who called from US of A his morning, but i was half aslp so i cant rmb what i said or what she said!!)
Gramma (i know she loves meeeee!!!!!!!!!)
Cute lil' cousie (he woke up from his slp n he went,"appiee birdday cousin!!"!!!!!)
Dad, Uncle n Aunt (for calling n calling till i picked up!)
Class of 03A3 ( for the super loud song session in the canteen!! thankiew sooooooo much!!!)
Xinyu (for everything!!!)
Esther (for skippin ** to buy my fave cake!!! -grin- i love est!!!)
Weiying (for the prezzie, and spending the first n last moments with me!!! n actin xl with me too!!)
Sheryl (for the prezzie too, and for spending the last n first few moments with me!!)
Manda (for the 3 msges!! hurhur~ and for bein my dearest sillybilly dumdum darling!!)
Grace (for sending me hugs and kisses, and throwin me off balance when she hugged me!! n for the prezzie!)
Nana (for bein so encouragin n for the prezzie-to-come too!)
Kim (for wanting to bring me out for a treat!! yumyum!!!)
Andy (for wanting to drag me out to dinner! haha.. n for msging me!!)
Ginny (for wantin to come, but was sick. get well soon too!! n ur arts board is pretty!!!)
Joanne (for appearin for a lil while in the canteen n bein so cute!)
Ping Nee (get well soon!!! n thank yu!)
Robinson (for bein so nice as to help pass me my prezzie, and for the nonsense i miss!)
Benjy (for calling!!)
Jam (for coming to dinner!! n for the prezzie)
Soohui (for her sweet msg, no worries, i'll stay bitchy!!)
Khay Wee (for his msg tho i msged him late on his day!!!)
Leonard (for his msg.. and for being a nice guy!! )
Daryl (for congratulating me!!)
Sixiang (for the msg he claimed to be 1 day early on purpose!!)
Eugene (for the prezzie and for calling me aft church!!)
Marcus (for the yuan qi apple!!)
Joel (for congratulatin me, wishin me, and givin out the cake for me!!! n for singing soooo loudly!!)
Steven (for contributing to my prezzie too!!)
Dudley (for the chewing gum!!)
Stef (for bein so sweet n rmbing, i miss u!!!)
Yanjun (for the sweeeet msg too!!! i miss u also!!)
Koh Shimin (for rmbing n msging me!!! )
Gideon (for this msg, and other msges that he sent when he thot i was sick!! )
XiaoShi (for rmbing my birthday after soooo many yrs, and for tryin to find me in sch today.. heh )
Xuelin (for rmbing my birthday after so many yrs!)
Yinsiu (for msging me, tho she cldnt join us for dinner ytd.. heh)
Jeanne (for the msg n for thinking of goin for dinner wih us!!)
Samantha (for being sooooo sweet.. lets all jiayou together!! )
Miss Chew (for her well-wishes and sweet msges)
Miss Victor (for her well-wishes and help in gettin serviettes for us!!)
Mr Haniss (for his well-wishes too.. tho he cldnt eat the cake...)
Mr Chong (for the well-wishes, for callin the rich chocolate cake; creamy, and for the way he looked like a lil boy when he looked thru my prezzies! )
erm.. there may be some i forget to mention, if so, pls notify me k!
note: order of names in no particular order!!
thanks soooooooo much once again!!!!!
Friday, July 16, 2004
Thursday, July 15, 2004
a happyhappyhappy birthday to dearest xinyu!!!
she has the cutest balloon ever!! it's a big yellow smiley n it wears a party hat!! the best thing is that it has a reflective surface!!!! haha.
thats her balloon... her flowers.. and US!
happy 18th birthday sweetie.. may your year be smooth sailing and B-E-A-utiful!!
she has the cutest balloon ever!! it's a big yellow smiley n it wears a party hat!! the best thing is that it has a reflective surface!!!! haha.

happy 18th birthday sweetie.. may your year be smooth sailing and B-E-A-utiful!!
Wednesday, July 14, 2004
Monday, July 12, 2004
Sunday, July 11, 2004
i've got lotsa chocolates now.. got my rocher, tofifee and for the first time ever, i'm enjoying dark chocolates.. somehow, they taste excepionally sweet =>
esta has been drilling weird songs into my head.. there was the worm, then the meatballs and spaghatti(or was that from manda?), and now there is the lovely bunch of coconuts didididii..
esta has been drilling weird songs into my head.. there was the worm, then the meatballs and spaghatti(or was that from manda?), and now there is the lovely bunch of coconuts didididii..
Saturday, July 10, 2004
Sunday, July 04, 2004
i cant stand kids, those that run around screaming and banging right into you. those that refuse to walk properly. those that lie in the middle of the floor and start bawlin cos they cant get what they want. those that stupidly stand in the middle of nowhere and block ur way. those that are plain spoilt brats. those hat keep screamin such that you wanna stuff something down heir throat.
kids shld be locked up at home till they either promise to behave, or till they mature enough to not be brats (like, locked up till they're.. fourteen??).
go ahead and condemn me if you wish. if a kid cant behave, the kid shldnt be let out in public. that's my view anyway. but throw me a kid that can behave, and i'll take to the kid naturally. throw me a brat, and i'll pinch the brat when the mom's not lookin.
kids shld be locked up at home till they either promise to behave, or till they mature enough to not be brats (like, locked up till they're.. fourteen??).
go ahead and condemn me if you wish. if a kid cant behave, the kid shldnt be let out in public. that's my view anyway. but throw me a kid that can behave, and i'll take to the kid naturally. throw me a brat, and i'll pinch the brat when the mom's not lookin.
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