happyhappy me!!
a huge thankiew for the lovely prezzies... the sweetest prezzie literally, has to be from xinyu: NUTELLA!!!!! *slurps*
anw, ppl i wanna thank from the bottom of my heart:
Mommy dearest (for bein mommy dearest!)
Uncle Dearest #1 (for calling me up again n again till i woke up to answer the call!!)
Uncle Dearest #2 (whose birthday is today!!!!!)
Aunty Dearest (who called from US of A his morning, but i was half aslp so i cant rmb what i said or what she said!!)
Gramma (i know she loves meeeee!!!!!!!!!)
Cute lil' cousie (he woke up from his slp n he went,"appiee birdday cousin!!"!!!!!)
Dad, Uncle n Aunt (for calling n calling till i picked up!)
Class of 03A3 ( for the super loud song session in the canteen!! thankiew sooooooo much!!!)
Xinyu (for everything!!!)
Esther (for skippin ** to buy my fave cake!!! -grin- i love est!!!)
Weiying (for the prezzie, and spending the first n last moments with me!!! n actin xl with me too!!)
Sheryl (for the prezzie too, and for spending the last n first few moments with me!!)
Manda (for the 3 msges!! hurhur~ and for bein my dearest sillybilly dumdum darling!!)
Grace (for sending me hugs and kisses, and throwin me off balance when she hugged me!! n for the prezzie!)
Nana (for bein so encouragin n for the prezzie-to-come too!)
Kim (for wanting to bring me out for a treat!! yumyum!!!)
Andy (for wanting to drag me out to dinner! haha.. n for msging me!!)
Ginny (for wantin to come, but was sick. get well soon too!! n ur arts board is pretty!!!)
Joanne (for appearin for a lil while in the canteen n bein so cute!)
Ping Nee (get well soon!!! n thank yu!)
Robinson (for bein so nice as to help pass me my prezzie, and for the nonsense i miss!)
Benjy (for calling!!)
Jam (for coming to dinner!! n for the prezzie)
Soohui (for her sweet msg, no worries, i'll stay bitchy!!)
Khay Wee (for his msg tho i msged him late on his day!!!)
Leonard (for his msg.. and for being a nice guy!! )
Daryl (for congratulating me!!)
Sixiang (for the msg he claimed to be 1 day early on purpose!!)
Eugene (for the prezzie and for calling me aft church!!)
Marcus (for the yuan qi apple!!)
Joel (for congratulatin me, wishin me, and givin out the cake for me!!! n for singing soooo loudly!!)
Steven (for contributing to my prezzie too!!)
Dudley (for the chewing gum!!)
Stef (for bein so sweet n rmbing, i miss u!!!)
Yanjun (for the sweeeet msg too!!! i miss u also!!)
Koh Shimin (for rmbing n msging me!!! )
Gideon (for this msg, and other msges that he sent when he thot i was sick!! )
XiaoShi (for rmbing my birthday after soooo many yrs, and for tryin to find me in sch today.. heh )
Xuelin (for rmbing my birthday after so many yrs!)
Yinsiu (for msging me, tho she cldnt join us for dinner ytd.. heh)
Jeanne (for the msg n for thinking of goin for dinner wih us!!)
Samantha (for being sooooo sweet.. lets all jiayou together!! )
Miss Chew (for her well-wishes and sweet msges)
Miss Victor (for her well-wishes and help in gettin serviettes for us!!)
Mr Haniss (for his well-wishes too.. tho he cldnt eat the cake...)
Mr Chong (for the well-wishes, for callin the rich chocolate cake; creamy, and for the way he looked like a lil boy when he looked thru my prezzies! )
erm.. there may be some i forget to mention, if so, pls notify me k!
note: order of names in no particular order!!
thanks soooooooo much once again!!!!!