anyway, as i was telling Cliff, it's been very nice seeing Estelle 4 days in a row. haha!
Thursday was the SIM pageant, Friday was king kong, Saturday was Samuel's birthday then Sunday was Tricia's hairshow.
And i happily ate my way through those four days. =) especially at samuel's birthday. when i got sick of talking, i just kept attacking the leftover food. heh.
Samuel has freaking cool pets. i like!!!
the end of the first segment.
haha. Gilson knows where to look!!
the winning couple before they won.
beer drinking competition. guess who won?!
everyone watching....
watching these guys.......
all the contestants... my pictures weren't very good.. =/
happy people.
Melvin, estelle, alex
Me, yanjun and leonard. missss these peoplee!!!!
it is rare that leonard has his eyes open on the first try. hehee.
Me and koh. =)
i realised that i didn't take a single picture of Samuel on his birthday. hahahaha.
tricia and jason and samuel's bed. haha. they look so cute peeking down!
this is the only picture of samuel i have.. and cliff was so fat!!!!!!! hahahahahahhaa. my fat yellow haired beng. the lian loves you!!!!!!
Mrs sam saw cliff's photo and couldn't stop laughing. hahahahahhaa. kidding. =)
Pretty lady.
licking eyeballs turn me on!
Tricia's show. Her big hair, and... erm... ghostly atmosphere. =x
Tricia and if i'm not wrong, that is cris next to her. got a shock when i saw cris there..
the finale..
the boys watching the show..
the proud boyfriend. =P
Childhood friends. i jsut realised that the eyes go form small to medium to big. lol!
Then i thot i saw someone familiar... sofrie's sister. so i looked around... and.... SOFRIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Pat's in the show too!"
"She is????"
then i went to look for pat in the toilet. It's amazing how bitching brings people together. Xinyu, pat, sofrie and me were all queueing to watch a Toni & Guy show... and we were bitching bout this girl infront of us.. who eventually got bounced out. whether because she was too young, or dressed too slut-like, i don't know. =)
Driver(NOT female driver) and her passengers.
people in the other car. ahhaha.
US. Sarah hidding, picture courtesy of mrs sam.
Zoo soon???
I miss Miss Bestfren. =)

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