MOS!!!!!!!! everyone on the count of three. 1, 2, 3..........
WE LOVE MOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Candy floss retro! yumyum!!
for the priority queue for ladies only.
for the priorityX2 queue for gorgeous people and their friends. =)
for their pink and white helium balloons. (if weiying was there she'd be sucking helium and squeaking!!!)
for their exquisite decor- rugged cages, seats for everyone everywhere, colourful blinking retro dance floor, many unique chairs, escalator, blingblinglights and hanging disco balls, for their oh-so-cool toilets either white and pink or blue and starry but both with sexy red chairs, for the princess chamber styled pure, for the friendly people working there, for the toilet aunty from momo who got transfered over, and for the candy floss-5 at a go!
for telling me that poles are an idea.
for the interviews and pictures before and after.
and Happy Nineteenth Birthday Sexy Sarah =)))))
3rd january 2006
i almost went to the zoo. haha. but due to unforseen circumstances, we didn't go in as it was kind of late. We stayed outside and talked and ate. and baby very nicely companied me around to take pictures of the uber cute trashbins!!!
cassandrapoopoo loves her honeybunnywoozycuteycliffipina!!! then we went off for more fun! wheeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!! i love you baby!!!!!!
baby plays the drums to celebrate the ripped jaws of the crocodile, and an increase in the amount of leather belts, bags, suitcases, jackets and not forgettingt, crocodile brand underwear!!
and baby, you're eating more and more chilli!!!!! i like. =)
2nd january 2006
BOTANICAL GARDENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
flowers flowers and more flowers.
orchids are so pretty!!!!
and my picnic with the handsome boyfriend was superb!!!!!
This granite ball was donated by the swiss confederation in 1991, and is kept afloat by a strong force of water. it rolls round and round, never stops, and if you try hard enough, you CAN change it's course... now, does that sound familiar?
Love of my life, patronising my narcissistic habits.
conversation of the day went like this...
"dear.... the orchids are sooooo pretty!!!!"
"dear.... am i pretty like the orchids???!!!!"
ladida. i love my patronising boyfriend. *muackx* =)
cassan loveslovesloves cliff!!!!
Thanks for doing so much for me baby... for bringing me everywhere i want to go, for fufilling my whims and fancies. =)
DID YOU KNOW........
that orchids in greek or some ancient language actually means: genitals ????
yeah, it's true.. my lecturer told us the other day during lecture...
so it really means "cock and balls"...
OH.. and then hor.. the other one was the scrotum thing...
Scrotum means "Bag" in greek too i think...
My classmate wouldn't stop going "I'm going to put my books into my scrotum now.. and i'm going to carry my scrotum around school.."
"Hey, does my scrotum look nice to you?"
(my classmate.. he's gonads lah.. if you get what i mean)
ahhahaaa. but some orchids look like vaginas!!!!!!
miss you la
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