Mardi Gras. People people everywhere. Fascinating people, fascinated people, and people in their drunk attempt to fascinate people.
Pretty boys running around in little thongs(as in g-string, flash butt cheek thongs), even after the parade- they were walking ard with their friends in the cold night with nothing but their little trunks!!!! little RED trunks!
then there were hot mamas dressed as really sexy police women- hot pants in brazillian panty style and fish nets with high boots. as well as those dressed as school girls, sailors, etc... oh. there was this mother ACTING like a kid. She drunkedly stumbled around looking for her daughter (who looks exactly like her; same hair style and size), then later collapsed on the road and tried to sleep.
there were young drunk girls picking fights with people, and drunk boys running around mocking gays and lesbians.
there was the sweet lesbian couple standing in front of me watching the parade, and many other gay couples all arounf. including the two that climbed up onto the portable toilet, promptly stripped to their briefs and started dancing. Oh. one of them flashed his dick several times too- pulled it out and swung it ard for a while with the crowd from the apartment cheering him on. i think they exchanged numbers after that or something.
there were buff, handsome men(like *those in tcs) walking ard in hot pink bikini trunks, wearing hot pink cowboy hats. Xinyu would have loved them! oh! they also had men running ard in little bits of animal skin ala tarzan!!
Then there were the really cute slogans... "You're not gay in the valley", "i believe women who love women are everywhere", "religion created homophobics, debaptise now!!"
hahaa. i donno if i showed all those pictures here. heh. OHOH!!! they had a bondage float!!! with all the whipping going on, and a woman tied to a stake right on top!!! then my favourite float had a cat, with it's head constantly bobbing up and down. when it got closer- i saw that it's head was bobbing up and down in between a pair of female legs!!! pussy eating pussy!! how cool is that?!!

btw, i owe my not-too-bad view to my dad, who picked me up and placed me on top of this Huuugeeeee metal thing- the thing where the traffic light controller is. yea. he picked me up. all 60kg of me.
puppies. jack russell cross chihuahua. i fell in love!!! there were four in the morning, and late noon when i went back, only two were left. that's how cute they were!!

for some weird reason i bought white eyeliner. and for some weird reason, i got so bored i did this to myself. ignore the obvious grains of powder- i piled it on REALLY thick. boredom darling, boredom.
PS. i was having a fat nose/face day.

My first real outing with a FRIEND. hahaa. sammie and me at korean place for lunch, thai place for dinner with her brother, shopping everywhere =)
and oh. bloody neoprint costs $14 there.
her bro is reallyreally nice. He waited for the bus with me(sammie's orders), then walked me to another busstop when we realised that there was no more of my bus running at that time. Plus he helped me look out for the correct bus cos i cldn't see. haha.
me: you have perfect eyesight?? so lucky!!
him: i don't study, i don't watch tv, i don't use the computer.. that's why.
maybe i shld....... hmmm. maybe not. haha.

Comfort food. SIGH. so little left. =/

ideaidea!!!! isn't it cute??!!!!!!!

Updating on Xinyu: she's clubbing right now and i'm jealous cos i wanna club. Do you know how hard it is to find new clubbing kakis??? especially ones as terrific as those back home??!!!!! sigh.
PS. i still love you no matter what!!!
Cliff just finished work. poor baby. =/
But you can do it!!! cos you're good!!! =)
PS. Don't bully estelle k!!!