this is my total haul from supre. well, most of it anyway.

going back for more skirts tomorrow. =)
i really like the brown skirt i got for sarah. =D i hope i'll find another one tomorrow. hehe.
this is coffee club in east gardens; me eating all my capsicum cos my BFs(bestfren n boyfren) aren't here to eat them for me; voodoo bag back in action again and my tired squashed feet; puny mommy eating; i took #22 cos it's ying's birthday and my table number; me with cliff's new sunnies(sunnies, cos when in rome, do as the romans do!); my lil cous with my new sunnies; very nicely made candle buddha; mommy and the ship she worked on before- the Oriana

this is my dear friend, christina, who happens to have the other part of my always friends keychain!! how coincidental! =) and that small picture on the right, includes rosie, kenny, alissa, sammie- taken in boring class. =)

Might be going to watch mardi gras tomorrow night=)
and cliff is getting his pressies soon =)))
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