feet pictures on the ferry.. we seem to do alot of this!! =)

outside our pretty lil hut.. the stupid woman who showed us to our hut refused to leave till we gave her a tip!!! knn. and the smallest we had was $5. bloody hell....

our pretty hut!

registration... it seems to be the kinda atmosphere that the singapore zoo tries to achieve.. yet here everything seems so natural instead of fake..

First meal in bintan.. steak sandwich and pizza and calamari! the restaurant area looks really nice... very laid back..

near the bridge leading to out lil hut. looks like a veryvery old picture! heh.

just before boarding the ferry...

byebye manamana....... =)

Your dick damn funny lah, lol.
OMG. i've been there too!!
Hehe.. I went there a few weeks after you did! Like I told you I probably would. =D
Anyway, hope you're doing a-okie!
Oh btw? Believe it or not?
SHE STUDIES SO MUCH THAT SHE EVEN FORGETS THAT SHE HAS TO MEET PEOPLE. Okay. The second bit is bad but the mugger bit is miraculous.
Okay. That's it for now. I love you Babe! Take good care! Wheeeee!
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