Monday, October 30, 2006
oh well. whatever.
ask me all about wine, beer, champagne, spirits and liqueurs.
i can tell you everything about it! =)
every single step! my favourite is champagne..
methode champenoise.. with all it's frenchy words like dosage and remuage... and the disgorgement and popping out the lees.. soaking the bottle neck in brine solution..
i can't wait for tomorrow!
Sunday, October 29, 2006
i would have written this in your comments if only you had them.. but you only have pathetic chatboxes. BAH. how can you??!!!
i remember those two years very well... (including the first 3 months of not liking you hysterical laughing thing!)
2 years in a shit hole. looking like shit, studying (not) in shit, putting up with shit teachers who told all his other classes we were shit after we left. (effing pathetic math department!!!) and facing shit situation every single day.. wanting the dreams that never came true.
and you know what? you're right. you'll never go down without a fight.. it's a good thing, and a bad thing. i remember the shit bits... but you came out of all that well.. veryvery well.
look at you know girl.. you're happy. that's most important.
look at us now sweetie, we are loved. all the love we wished we had? we've got it now and more.
the shit days are the days that make us wanna appreciate life more, and make us know that what we are getting now is priceless.
schemed ruthlessly only to realise there was no point?? there was a point. cos for that short few moments whilst scheming, there was a slight bit of hope. and malicious joy if our plan really happened. it helped us get by somehow..
i have to admit, sometimes i wished you'd just give up.. but then, if you did you wouldn't be you.
if it happened again? i think you'll fight again. because it's what you've got now is so much more worth fighting for then what it was before.
but i have a feeling.. that God put you through it once.. and He won't do it again.. i have a feeling.. that this one will last.. and go well.
i sincerely pray that my feeling is right.
you deserve to be happy. we all love you happy. (as long as you'll still bitch with me!)
Loving you lots esta cecily mariam small little mighty mousey leong en ling. ( i think.)
Saturday, October 28, 2006
that night when i got home... it was turning really red...

day out with dani coupla weeks ago...

midnight madness after too many QFs.. (just me that went mad and giggly.. dani, was still sober. =/)

met mel and her boyfriend at bondi junction today.... that's her dress for the races.... prettypretty!!! it's GREEN!!! and yea.. i like my polkadotty one!!!

my new nails... which are still short and stubby cos i have to work... the fucking thai cheebye used an electronic file and fucking filed off some of my flesh can?!! hurts like fuck! never going back there!!! plus she chopped off my nails without saying or asking anything, and she was super unfriendly and rude. language barrier?? so what? she didn't even smile!!! hello??? you're in customer service you hag!!! when mel said something along the lines of she might get hers done, the hag looked up....
"you want do now?? book now!" (viciously and forcingly)
mel: nah.. not today.. (p[olitely and friendly)
fucking hag glared at her and filed harder at my flesh.
with this kinda service, no one will ever come back.
why did i do my nails there? stupidity. only word that can decribe it!
anw, the acrylic feels like 20 layers of nail polish.. but i'm getting used to it.. and i kinda like it more and more... (only because i went home and shaped it properly myself cos old hag did them unevenly and i didnt want her filing off anymore of my flesh!)

this is before.. slightly longer than what it is now, but kidna untidy... and very chipped...

your royal fatness cassan. yes. i know. shuddup benjy. it's bad angle and bad hair!!! this is me and nat studying at gloria jeans... leng zai barista wasn't working at that time... no motivation!! hahaha!

exams soon.. starting on haloween.
I WANNA GO HALOWEEN PARTY!!!! I WANNA DRESS UP!!!!!!!! xinyu!!!weiying!! est!!! guan!!! sarapeanutbutterBCMCCF!!!!!! i really wanna go with you girls... NYJC party or momo or wherever... i miss you girls...
and...... happy advanced birthday mommy... i have yet to send your card out! heh.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
I’m feeling relatively depressed again. Maybe it’s that time of the month, maybe it’s not. I am suddenly sick of being miss bubbly, sick of smiling and being polite and civil all the time. But I know I’ll wake up tomorrow morning and smile again. Why? I don’t know
Lynnette Tan used to tell me that when she’s sad or angry, she sleeps. And she forgets everything when she wakes up. That idea grew on me and now i kinda work the same way too. So yes, tomorrow I will wear the happy mask again. Whether or not I actually feel happy, I do not actually know myself. Confusion
I wanna talk about my plans for the next 5 to 6 years, and currently, the only people person I’ve talked to about it is Xinyu.
Let’s outline it here just in case there is anyone who is reading this is interested.
If you are not interested in my life outline, then just close this browser now. I’ll understand, it’s just boring old me.. nothing much, nothing interesting.
Within the next 5 to 6 years:
Get a degree, speak Japanese fluently, and be able to speak Greek and French moderately, work in
These thoughts are still pending.. will always be pending till the day it actually happens. it might happen, it might not.
I wanna travel the world. I might just go back to the air stewardess plan in the end.
Suddenly. Don wanna go home, don wanna stay here.
deprivation and abstinence.
You know, I’ve always enjoyed getting letters in the mail.. been like that since a kid. Even if it’s crap that insurance ppl send, I get excited. The world just dosen’t do snail mail much now.. It’s sad. Ppl don’t bother anymore. I make do with emails nowadays. But the age old favourite, will always be snail mails.
I freak myself out sometimes. I start imagining shit situations.. I think est might understand.. I need to stop. Stop rambling. Stop thinking.
I saw 2 very pretty purple bedsheet sets I really wanted to buy for est. But it was damn expensive.
Time to start meditating again. Buddhism. Mantras. Calm the soul.
No, not a foot-washing-anything. Don’t think I ever will be.
ANYWAY. jealousjealousjealous. they have such pretty dresses! we had boring black... =/
oh well.. haven't been very updated with the newpaper newface 2006, but glad that it went well.. and it makes me nostalgic....
i miss newface.. miss the exhilaration, miss people painting my face, doing my hair, miss the runway...
i know, i'll always be the fat one, if anyone even remembers in the first place, but the fat one had her fun!!! =)
whether it was everyone telling to lose weight, or just smiling my ass off.. i had one of the best experiences in my life..
you know what? i might just lose some weight and join a couple more competitions just for fun!!! =p
then again, losing weight means eating less and i'm really way too addicted to my chocolates!!! ladida.
i miss newface 2005 girls!!! gwen, belle, conelia, dympna, rachel, fawziah, shikeen, sophie, emiko, tab and everyone!!! i miss rehearsals... i miss daniel!! miss the madness..
and did i mention i miss the runway?
yes. too short, too fat, but i love the runway. lovelovelove it!
it's been a year since newface05, but guess what? i can still be found on google!! wheeeeee!!!!!
i shall attempt to make the girls come out for coffee when i'm back! girls, if you happen to read this, let's go out coffeeing and shopping in december k??? =)))
just for old time's sake....
knn. i don have newface pix on my lappie.....
sigh. back to work and studying and the beach.
Friday, October 06, 2006
i used to be mostly antisocial... and these few days i am been desperate for some company.. and i am extremely excited about meeting dany's new puppy tomorrow! the poor fella has been shaved BALD! hahahahah!!! i will put pictures of baldy up when i get them! =)
anw, i gotta sms cliff... shit... then call cliff.
it's mostly about him. =)
love of my lifeeee!!!!
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Day 1: Chinatown and Darling Harbour

yokers: eh. must take pix with my gramma's house leh... it's the prettiest on the whole street!!! right?? right???
xinds: yalayala. take la......
yokers: **beams!!

oh. and shiraz rose, jacobs creek. bad... bad.... does not go well with xinds and yokers!
Day 2: Paddington mark

and i rolled down the hill. twice. it was so much fun!!!
Day 3: Paddy's Markets at Flemington

the wind was super strong that day!!! super heavy me felt like flying away!!!

Day 4: The Rocks and Bondi junction

Day 5: East Gardens

Day 6: Fish Market

and of course... krispy kremes. i still can't believe that woman made me eat krispy kreme for breakfast the next 3 days.

Day 7: Bondi beach, nudity, and Devil Wears Prada

first row: xinds smilling happily as she checks out the boobs, and me looking in shock!! hahaha.

Day 8: studying at gloria jeans and dimsum and shopping

***only 8 days as the real first day, she reached at night.. and the last day pictures i have yet to upload. =)