Bestfriends in Sydney, 21st - 30th September 2006Day 1: Chinatown and Darling Harbour

We found a street named VALENTINE, and we had too much dimsum... 15 or 20 dishes between the two of us i think... and..... gramma's house...
yokers: eh. must take pix with my gramma's house leh... it's the prettiest on the whole street!!! right?? right???
xinds: yalayala. take la......
yokers: **beams!!

china town.. the official chinatown gates and lions.. and...... xiao fei yang huo guo!!! a few days later, we found that a brand on some packaged food with the same name; small fat goat steamboat!!

darling harbour. i don't know why but i insist on taking pictures with/of the flamingoes each ime i'm there. =) and guess what?? xinds spotted the blackbird restaurant.. and we spent 5min laughing over "orh jiao".

cutting up our oporto's chicken. yumyum!!!! did i mention i ate half a chicken by myself a couple weeks ago??? that chicken went straight down to my ass. =/
oh. and shiraz rose, jacobs creek. bad... bad.... does not go well with xinds and yokers!
Day 2: Paddington mark

my school, and the humongous hotdog from paddington's.. that was so good.... i made xinds walk miles to look for paddington's... =p

Circular Quay after the markets.... tooks heaps of photos.. =) xinds taking pix of the opera house and harbour bridge, and xinds holding up the bridge with her hand.. heh.

photog credits goes to both xinds and yokers. the sky was absolutely gorgeous!! the weather was beautiful!! i wish i could bring that all back to singapore with me!!!!!

our havaianas.. and xinds's excitement over the sign outside the pub...

us in the botanical gardens, where this artist was so fascincated by our antics he came over and wanted to draw us.. naturally, we refused. we're shy...... *burst into large laughter and farts and burps*

i told you we took heaps of pictures..... how could we not?? pretty girls, heavenly sky and new green leaves. Awesome!!!

the sepia and b&w look so old school.. plus the fact we were in stripes and dots!!! i seem to really like my stripes, and her, her dots... even our bikinis.. i was stripey and she, dotty.

bestfren loving....
and i rolled down the hill. twice. it was so much fun!!!
Day 3: Paddy's Markets at Flemington

bought heaps of fruits and vegetables super cheap there.. another thing i love about australia... the fresh fruit and vegetable markets... =)
the wind was super strong that day!!! super heavy me felt like flying away!!!

dinner.. food always tastes best in good company!!! we can cook!!!! our kids are gonna be lucky kids!!! laksa and rockmelon sago and lemonade... oh... but i flattened my egg while trying to peel it... =/
Day 4: The Rocks and Bondi junction

a different angle of the opera house... and one of the trainstations, "edge cliff". the word cliff got me all excited!!! heee... then it was bondi junction for some much needed shopping, and we got tights!!! how aussie can you feel in tights and havaianas!!! weetweeeeet!!!!
Day 5: East Gardens

we were looking throught the pictures when we noticed what the sign at UNSW was saying.. hahahaa. how coincidental!! i swear we didn't plan it!!! peanut butter gelato, and the 4 course chinese dinner.. soup, roast chicken, combination beancurd hotpot, and fruits. nice and cheap!
Day 6: Fish Market

fish market... lovelovelove!!! at closing time when i ask for 1/2 lobster mornay, 1 oyster mornay and 1 stuffed prawn, and i got 1/2 lobster mornay, 4 oysters and 4 prawns... for $19.50. and 3 soft shell crabs for $3, and a hell lot of salmon sashimi for just $7. i hope heaven is something like that!!!! plus the walk down the deck and the pretty aboriginal boat! ideas for our 21st party!!!
and of course... krispy kremes. i still can't believe that woman made me eat krispy kreme for breakfast the next 3 days.

read the captions. strawberry and chocolate. what more do i have to say?! so much i got sick of eating it.. and i'm still finishing up the curry....
Day 7: Bondi beach, nudity, and Devil Wears Prada

the wind was soooooo cold..........

but the sun was nice and hot!!! i burried xinds!!! and i pounced on top of her!!! i love these pictures so much!!!

tell me i'm a good photog!!!! i love the pictures so much!!!!! yesyes, narcissicism. well, life is short and this is my blog. and all the pictures were so nice i couldn't decide so i put them all up!!!
someone said i looked like a washboard. if only. hahaha. the bikini did not flatter me, and stretching always makes the tummy look flat. whatever. i like the top still. and i love the pictures!!! =)))

first row: xinds smilling happily as she checks out the boobs, and me looking in shock!! hahaha.

pretty dresses, cute dresses, and xinds looking super sultry and sexy in one.. (i didn't put the super sexy one up.. you might get a nose bleed!!) fashion parade after the movie..... yokers loves xinds so much!!!
Day 8: studying at gloria jeans and dimsum and shopping

the night before she leaves.... all dresssed up, and studying in gory jeans.. (no spelling error, it's an inside joke!).. then shopping as usual and parading new black dresses!!! lovelove girl!! i miss you so much!!!
***only 8 days as the real first day, she reached at night.. and the last day pictures i have yet to upload. =)
1 comment:
HI BABY!!!!! I'm not cliff but i'm sarahhhh!!! *pauses..mmkay..
heh hee heh.
i Just realized that i could leave a comment..cause i was looking for your chatterbox or something..
anwayys, i know its cliche.but I REALL MISSED YOU GGUYS.. )): From moon back over and moon back over and moon back over...
the pictures are really niceee..and the sun looks brighter there...cant wait for you guys to come home.
You havent gave me your add! i wanna send you something super mail me or something!
cause i deleted all my a/cs online..itsa long story.
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