Monday, December 31, 2007
SO. I'm here here to leave my mark- the last post of 2007.
2007 has gone by without many major glitches. Thinking back, most of it was good really.
Ten most memorable moments, in no particular order:
10. Having the usual/yearly IhateXinyu/IloveXinyu thing.
9. Partying in GoldCoast; meeting and knowing Matt, getting fucking drunk and puking my way home, knowing the girls more.
8. Chilling with Weiying, Yinsiu and Xinyu in melbourne; bestie madness at 4am =D, and that one night at Crown!
7. Simplistic yet beautiful birthday; first with Cliff and my 2 beautiful suprises (yes, Xinds and Shaz), then with my harem of beautiful ladies (though perky bumbum roti prata Sara cldn't make it.)
7. Sundays with Sherrie.
6. Avoiding all calls for clubbing =p
5. Going through one of the biggest fights with Cliff, and loving him again.
4. Filming my first commercial =)
3. 2 more stars, this one with Gin =)
2. Meetups with my boys.
1. Brief stint at the zoo; being behind the scenes, meeting Inuka close up, and I lovelovelove Happy and Hobby and Junior and PK!!!!!
There may have been others, but i can't quite recall now. =)
Haven't been reading blogs for at least 3 months, and that gives me time to do other things.... like FACEBOOK!!!!!! =D I love facebook! heh.
Things are all good, and i'm happy. Gonna have my ritual on newyear's morning again. And catching that yearly first sunrise is really the best start to the whole year. =)
I'm looking forward to more love, school, new friends, and more.
Dear 2007, thank you and goodbye. =)
Saturday, December 01, 2007
It pulls a string, and helps.. a little.
To the loved ones of the five young men;
To Xuelin, your sis-in-law Debbie, your family, and all those who knew and loved Eu Jin..
* A Child Of Mine *
I will lend you, for a little time,
A child of mine, He said.
For you to love while he lives,
And mourn for when he's dead.
It may be six or seven years,
Or twenty-two or three.
But will you, till I call him back,
Take care of him for Me?
He'll bring his charms to gladden you,
And should his stay be brief.
You'll have his lovely memories,
As solace for your grief.
I cannot promise he will stay,
Since all from earth return.
But there are lessons taught down there,
I want this child to learn.
I've looked the wide world over,
In search for teachers true.
And from the throngs that crowd life's lanes,
I have selected you.
Now will you give him all your love,
Nor think the labour vain.
Nor hate me when I come
To take him home again?
I fancied that I heard them say,
'Dear Lord, Thy will be done!'
For all the joys Thy child shall bring,
The risk of grief we'll run.
We'll shelter him with tenderness,
We'll love him while we may,
And for the happiness we've known,
Forever grateful stay.
But should the angels call for him,
Much sooner than we've planned.
We'll brave the bitter grief that comes,
And try to understand.
- Edgar Albert Guest
Sudden goodbyes are hard because there is no closure.
yet it seems that some loved ones of the five young men, had dreamt about their friend, and had the chance for a goodbye.
I don't know any of them, yet because of their age, because it was dragonboat, because of what just happened to Xue, because it was not just one, but five, because seventeen survived. How did fate choose which five had to go?
I was shocked, devasated, exasperated. why did they decided to row back themselves? why were they not wearing lifevests? why were they not more cautious?
The part i hate most? i know why.
You never know the pleasure of rowing, if you've never done it. Rowing leisurely is so different from competitively. I remember rowing from kallang to boat (or is it clark) quay, docking at the steps, and having breakfast at macs, before rowing back to kallang.
Anthony always said to never stop rowing, especially cos we were in open waters. He always stressed how dangerous it could be, now he has an example to add to the warning.
Rowing leisurely; we waved to couples taking their wedding pictures, kids on excursions, construction workers at the esplanade site. We saw things different from how others would; we saw it from the waters down below.
The pleasure of the wind in your face, and having the chance to savour that moment because you are not just concentrating on your strokes and speed and strength.
Also, it is a chance to practice.
I can understand why they chose to row back, i would have chosen that too.
Lifevests. Hate them with a passion when rowing. The only time i like them is when we take a break at the beach. Then i like the lifevests cos i can keep floating and not sink slowly.
Lifevests give you abrasions under your armpits. And before the previous abrasion gets to heal, you train again, and your abrasion gets wounded all over again. All that burning, and guess what? you're in the sea, my dear. Which means you have salt water constantly stinging the wound!
It's like wearing a new pair of heels, and getting blisters on your heels and toes. Plasters won't work cos they scrunge up after a while anyway. So you continue wearing your new heels till the blister breaks and you're limping in pain. Now, pour salt water on your wound.
Ouch? told you so.
Runners shave their head to decrease wind resistance. I think lifevests create too much resistance. =/
So once again, i can understand their choice.
Being cautious is not a choice. It's like parents not liking their kids ride motorcycles because it's dangerous. You can be as careful as you want, but if the cars around you are not careful and hit you, that's just it. You can control yourself but not your surroundings. You can be cautious while rowing, but that does not mean that the waters will return that favour. Mother Nature ultimately, is unpredictable.
At least they were enjoying themselves. That's the best form of comfort we give ourselves i guess.
They were wonderful people, who lead good lives, were good friends and children. People will look back on their memories, and remember them with a smile.
They brought pride and joy to their families, and those who knew them.
They have somewhere else they need to be for now..
Some things are not meant to be forever. Some people walk into our lives to teach us a little something, or maybe bring a little gift. And then they leave again. After you have dried your tears, live life as he would have had wanted you to. Be happy, for it is in being happy, and carrying on with life; almost like before, but missing a little something, that we remember him in.
For his teammates, each time you row, you know you will feel them with you once again.
This one is for the five young men, who were lost, but now found. I hope i don't sound sadistic, but at least you have company. Your memory lives on, in your family, friends, loved ones, and all those who have yet to meet you, but have gotten to know a little about you over the past 2 weeks.
I take the liberty to reproduce a poem that Mr Ronnie Koh wrote for the five young men.
Touched by their stories, he wrote them a poem, and sent it in to Straits Times. For some reason, i think that he has rowed before. For one who has never rowed, would not be able to paint a picture so intense and vivid. He captured the spirit of it all.
A Tribute to Team Singapore, Dragon Warriors
Dragon Warriors
Hail! Dragon warriors! Hail!
There is no need to weep,
For do you not know,
That dragon warriors never sleep!
Arise! Stand tall! Arise!
Raise your talons, hold'em high!
Turn your sorrows, brothers,
Into mighty war cries!
No longer in your sight,
Your brothers be,
True dragon warriors they've become,
For all to see.
Not for money,
Nor for fame,
But with my brothers,
Other dragons do we tame.
Our hearts beat,
Our hearts pound,
We live for the moment,
To hear the war drums sound.
Drive it hard!
Drive it deep!
Honour and glory!
Ours to keep!
Though we may part,
We never sleep,
Sound the war drums,
And we will meet.
Hail! Dragon warriors! Hail!
Dragonboaters, i know you can hear the drums he speaks of.
"I felt like I was going to die"
Condolensces from ST readers
Coach recalls accident
Some words from some of their families
Bad instincts about the race
Saying goodbye; your condolensces
It was only when i read about the accident, that i finally knew how to spell
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Weddings and 2 birthdays to plan, and one very very unexpected death.
Death of this one boy (26 dosen't qualify you as a boy, but that's how i'll always see him as that was how i knew, and remembered him.). A friend's brother, that i knew since 9 or 10, that played block catching, and badminton and zero point and all that with us. A whole group of kids of all ages, who stopped playing with us as they got older. We were not all that close, but still we knew each other's existence, and acknowledged it. My last memory of him was at a dragonboat race during NYJC days. I turned behind, and surprise surprise, the cocksen was none other than my friend's brother!
A filial son, smartest in the family, caring brother, intelligent student, outstanding employee, loving and dedicated new husband.
"A wonderful man, who lead a short, but very fufilled life." I quote Xue to the best of my memory. She always was very proud of him and his accomplishments, and always will be.
Too young he left this world, "He is needed in another place", she said.
The couple were together for almost 10 years. Since JC, till now. I can only imagine the pain. I know he left quite an impression on many people- the amount of flowers and the people that flooded the wake was evidence.
But really, the newspaper articles and fucking annoying reported were unwarranted. If you were there to write the best, wanted to give this young man his last bit of glory, so be it. If you went there in search of an article to fill your miserable pages, fuck you. Put yourself in their shoes. They have more than enough to deal with. They don't need your annoying questions, inaccurate reports, and heavy sighs and disappointed puppy-dog eyes when your begging to talk to his wife comes to naught. Really, would you want me poking and probing into every single thing if it is your kin that passed away? Wait, I don't think you have feelings in the first place. You'll probably be elated because you have every single detail and can write the best article of all! Seriously, Fuck Off. Let the man go in peace! They don't need your inaccurate tales. He is, and always will be so much more than what you can capture in a one page article. Their privacy is not an opportunity for your paper's publicity.
They really got me fired up. If only i was there earlier to help out. =/
Xue did mention that TNP seemed really sincere about it, and were very accurate as well. It was from there that i found out. Read the article out of curiously, then the names got too familiar for my liking. First, his vaguely familiar pictures, then his unusual surname and name, then his wife's name, then the schools, and last of all, i recognised his father's name. No mistake, it was him. Double checked with the orbituaries in ST. Xue's name was there. Scanned through the list, hoping that it really was a huge coincidence; recognised the other name her dad goes by, and her cousin's name. I simply cannot describe my shock, it just too much to comprehend.
26, newly married, golden boy in every sense of the word. Intelligent, hardworking, loving, good looks, physique and personality. Heart stopped functioning whilst he was in the pool, in China.
I'm glad i read the papers, cos i usually only read them a day after. It's all fated I guess.
Called XiaoShi, headed down.
Life is... unpredictable. Fated.
Deepest condolenses to Xue, your Mom and Dad, Debbie, the rest of your family, and all who have suffered this loss.
let me spend some time remembering this wonderful man i never knew.
For anyone who knew him..
I googled him, and this is the legend he left behind.
Google page
Heartfelt messages from a friend (scroll down)
Straits Times
His name is mentioned right at the bottom
I really don't know if this is him, but i believe so.
His memorial; The man, captured forever in cyberspace.
Monday, November 19, 2007
The pictures are somewhere I'm sure. =)
Everyone was veryvery pretty, groom was veryvery nice, and they all enjoyed licking cream off each other's faces i'm sure! lol.
Steph treated the girls to mani pedi session(17 Nov) , after which Sher, Xy and I wandered ard for abit before i headed off to Cliff's Dad's birthday dinner. Veryvery nice dinner. Hazelnut pralines, 2 chocolate fountains, lobsters, prawns, and heaps of cheese. I LIKE. =D
and yes, i stood next to the chocolate fountain for quite a long time. =) well.. walked around a little la.. had to grab some pralines too what.. hehe.
Happy Birthday Uncle!
Wedding day (18 Nov): OMG I LOVE THE WEDDING CAR!!!!! Crashed at Sher's place the night before to annoy the shit outta her. (succeeded. she shat the next morning. heh.)
Woke up last (for once after Sher!), got ready, hated mysdelf for bringing lacy bra =/, watched the jiemei's torture the groom and his xiong di-s!!! Inclusive of licking cream of each other's face and eating wasabi, then finally, serenading Steph outside her room door with a love poem!
Ate a lot of tofu.
Headed to hotel, fell in love with the one-seater sofa thingie in the couple's suite. Couple got drenched a little cos old school car had no windows, but that's ok- Shower of Blessing!! The superior ones have given their approval and blessings!
Changed, made up, messed around with surgical tape (brittish flag!!) and chicken fillets. And it was time to head down for last preparations. I hosted solemnisation and was one half of the dinner host. Waited for cue from wrong person... =/ SORRY!
BUT i think every thing went well, was rehearsing while Sher n Xy did reception- GOOD JOB LADIES! heh. Oh. We jiemei-s rocked YamSeng! hahahaa. waited till the boys were outta breathe to throw in our effort! =p The boys and girls made a good team! heh.
Anyone looking to hire a female yamseng party, Please contact me!!!
Bride's evening gown was self-designed and B-E-A-Utiful!!!! Heaps of talent there! heh. I can never do a good design for myself cos i have no idea what i want! Too fickle. heh.
Stole heaps of flowers after the end of wedding, met Benjy. Everybody loves Benjy!
Sher went back to hall to study and do exam prep.. I went home to crash.
Hope all's good sherriepooie.
Wedding's are very fun, but tiring. Too much planning. I'm seriously considering eloping.
To the deliriously happy lovebirds, May you have a wonderfully blissful marriage, complete with all the little details that makes life beautifull and perfect!!!
Friday, November 16, 2007
Feels so good that you are back.
Feels like you never left.
I like the way we somehow manage to talk as though we never really stopped.
I like the way you sound- Happy, bubbling with excitement.
Your aura; confident, independent, in-charge, carefree, bright. Simply gorgeous.
Extremely proud of you;
For all the milestones covered in the past few months,
For growing up,
For the way you are handling your life.
For not quitting.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Photographer being photographed.
Rushing tides
Nature's wonders
Endless cycles
Innocence, laughter, happiness
Return to childhood
Times with neither care nor troubles
Ignorance is bliss.
A scorching day, with the sweltering sun inducing beads of sweat. Light breeze in your face and hair. Clear blue skies, yellow-green palm trees, waves rushing to shore, couple of friends, silly games. The only reason I'd wake up, and not sleep through all of daylight.
Monday, October 22, 2007
George Gordon Byron
She walks in Beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes:
Thus mellowed to that tender light
Which Heaven to gaudy day denies.
One shade the more, one ray the less,
Had half impaired the nameless grace
Which waves in every raven tress,
Or softly lightens o'er her face;
Where thoughts serenely sweet express,
How pure, how dear their dwelling-place.
And on that cheek, and o'er that brow,
So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,
The smiles that win, the tints that glow,
But tell of days in goodness spent,
A mind at peace with all below,
A heart whose love is innocent!
I finally looked it up after all these years. Mystery solved? Maybe. I doubt I'll ever ask anyway.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Friday, October 12, 2007
Xinds- i got some pictures i took JUST FOR YOU! heh. hope u like them.. i'll upload and send to u soon. =)
Gin- we're on newman.
Sheryl- date me.
I hate men who can't accept that some women can actually out-smart them/ give good advice Why can't you swallow your ego? Why can't you realise that these women are genuinely trying to help out of concern, and not deflating your ego, or minimising your worth in any way?
I hate men who shout before they know anything, who shut you out when you need support most.
I lost someone who really meant the world to me. He just disappeared without a word, i don't know where to find him. This is a public appeal: Come back please. I miss you.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
And oh.
Velvet Dragon was really nice last night. Only when i got sober did i realise how much drugs was in my body- Some protein pill, 2 gastric pills, 2 panadol menstrual, too much alcohol and nicotine. then i went home and took a charcoal pill cos i was afraid i'd puke. lol. MAD.
i love you all. =))
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
he was eating at bishan S11, with another angmoh. He was wearing a cap. I SWEAR IT WAS HIM!!!!! i did a double take, walked backwards and found excuse to linger and take a longer look at THAT EXTREMELY HANDSOME FACE!!!!!
Still in shock, went back to my table and told Cliff... He said he saw that guy, and thought he look like the deliciously adorable (that's not his words obviously) second-in-line to the throne too!!!
He was the love of my life when i was in Pri 5-6. I had a winnie-the-pooh heart locket keychain with his newspaper cutting inside!!! *blush* hee.
I know. Prince William and Singapore???? Strike one. Prince William eating roti prata at bishan S11??!!!!! Strike 2 and dream on. It might have just been someone who looked alot like Wills, but i'm telling myself that it was really him!!! Who are you to shatter my dreams. =)
I regret not going up to him, regret not taking a picture. Regretregretregret. not everyday you see a Prince William you know! HEH.
Now i am another step closer to dying in peace.
Once i clamoured to see Ken Chua in person- the earth is round and i will meet him one day, Singapore is only that big; i used to tell Xiao Shi and Xue Lin. (yep... his picture was on the other side of that locket. heh.) Then i finally bumped into him shortly after starting to club.
Dream came true.
Except i wasn't that 10 year old girl anymore. Still, i found the old newspaper cuttings of him deep inside my drawer. hehe.
Anyway, 10 yo crush-met. 11 & 12 yo crush-met. Satisfied.
Dear Cliff, I know you understand. That they were part of my childhood. And a childhood dream, is still a dream i once harboured. And a dream come true, is cause for jubilance regardless of how long ago that dream was.
Because you understand, because you allow, because you're happy when you see me happy.
I love you.
I'm glad you're not my dream but my reality. =)
NOTE: The large amount of Gin & Me pictures are due to the fact she whined that we have very few pictures together (i totally agree), and that we were on our first date.
She stuck the flower i gave her under her armpit. HOW SWEET. that really shows your excitement going out with me..... =/
She looks drugged. It's the flower. I put date-rape essence in it. Then i made her sniff it. MUAHAHAHHAHAAA!!!!
kidding. y would i need to drug her. HEH.
waiting for the bus to great world!
preening in the empty toilet. seldom can you find empty toilets in this place!
first kiss... of the night!
the following few pictures are for the boys who read, and the girls who love a hot chick! that's our linder, who won some beautiful body award!!! =)))
i'm trying to date her. =p
oooooooo!!! check out gin's blingbling!!!! *shields eyes from that immense brightness!*
zouk dosen't have seats in their smoking room- which was actually just a bounded outdoor area. so we had to squat around like some marijuana addict. bah.
pretty, pretty, pretty.
this was the third drink i think.
me and my yiwenzilla. that's right. MINE. all the pretty girls are MINEMINEMINE!!!
"cars won't knock pretty girls!!" unless the driver is prettier than you! that's what i told them while running across the road outside zouk. =x
My date trying to pick up other girls.... "don't you know, lesbians are not monogamous..." fine la... good things should be shared with others... =/
that's my laopo thru 2 musicals, with MY PREZZIE!!! i loveeee youuu!!!!
Yiwenzilla trying to sneak past the bouncer by distracting him with her boobies!!! HAHA! (i'd be trying my best to make her stay there if i were the bouncer tho.. love looking at her boobies! =p)
Pretty Lady. Hopefully i'll be seeing you on this thursday! hehe.
i hope you don't hate me, but you're so cute on your way to getting wasted.. =) Somehow ppl kept buying us drinks that night. i checked with the boyfriend- he said it's ok, go ahead. I LOVE HIM!!!
Thursday, August 09, 2007
I swear i would have won. Isn't my shoe pretty???? BUT. they didn't announce the closing of the competition at all. So i didn't realise they were deciding on winning entries already. =| grrrrr. i thought they extended the time limit. bleaghh.
Mine's the colourful one, Cliff drew the tribal one, with heaps of extentions, and named it black on black.
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
She's using MY green. so i have to use HER purple. GRRR.
- `est.91 - [not worth listening to?] says:
the boy's working on it.. i just gotta bug him to work on it faster
- `est.91 - [not worth listening to?] says:
my invitation card people are lagging because of the lack of place
spider pig spider pig......... dadadadadaddaaaa... dadadadaa says:
lol... lucky girl!!
spider pig spider pig......... dadadadadaddaaaa... dadadadaa says:
u have a plan-ur-bday-committee??!!!!!!
- `est.91 - [not worth listening to?] says:
- `est.91 - [not worth listening to?] says:
spider pig spider pig......... dadadadadaddaaaa... dadadadaa says:
lol... poor poor souls
- `est.91 - [not worth listening to?] says:
and i have intentions to hire you at some point hahaha
ok la. u got me all excited. i'm hired! but services come inclusive of a manicure + pedicure. YOU HAVE NO CHOICE!!! =)
only because i love you esteeeeeee!!!!
spider pig spider pig......... dadadadadaddaaaa... dadadadaa says:
eh. u know right. the other night i was tellin cliff bout ur birthday.
spider pig spider pig......... dadadadadaddaaaa... dadadadaa says:
den he stone for a while n started laughing.
spider pig spider pig......... dadadadadaddaaaa... dadadadaa says:
i ask him y. he said he thot of the friendster comment weiying left for u. hahaha
- `est.91 - [not worth listening to?] says:
- `est.91 - [not worth listening to?] says:
- `est.91 - [not worth listening to?] says:
bish his face
- `est.91 - [not worth listening to?] says:
then ask wei ying to leave a funny comment for him too
- `est.91 - [not worth listening to?] says:
- `est.91 - [not worth listening to?] says:
spider pig spider pig......... dadadadadaddaaaa... dadadadaa says:
hahahaaa. erm.. think weiying donno him well enuf to find a SHORT-coming to make fun off.. HAHAHAHHAA
y can i always find the mundane-est things to talk about with this intelligent mouse?
i need to haolian. MY 21 DIFFERENT CAKES!!! Hyatt's tiramisu was damn good! so was Rive's guanaja as usual! hehe. =)))
Dinner at Garibaldi!
Spanner crab something..
Foie Gras
Raw Wagyu
Some sorta steak
Some chocolatey dessert!
Check out my dinner HERE.
Guys- This is the place to go to impress girls. Good food, extremely good service, plus the restaurant has one of the best italian cuisines in singapore! =)
you won't regret it!!
To commemorate the day- Us on the CCTV at cityhall!!! hehe.
OH!!! i must not forget- happy birthday xinyu, hope you still like your tiffany's! haha =p
and veenaaa!!!! =) happy 21st, 15, 16, 17 july 2007!!
As for imperial treasure, silly me forgot my camera in my rush to buy xind's prezzie, so i don't have the pictures...
Read about that dinner from Ginny, Xinyu, or Singuan!
i was awarded "MISS BESTFRIEND"!!!! YEH!!!!!!!!! hehehee. =)
we did it- we wore pretty pretty dresses!!! yeh!!! we should do this more.
you make me cry babe. that's no good. -hugs