NOTE: The large amount of Gin & Me pictures are due to the fact she whined that we have very few pictures together (i totally agree), and that we were on our first date.
She stuck the flower i gave her under her armpit. HOW SWEET. that really shows your excitement going out with me..... =/
She looks drugged. It's the flower. I put date-rape essence in it. Then i made her sniff it. MUAHAHAHHAHAAA!!!!
kidding. y would i need to drug her. HEH.
waiting for the bus to great world!
preening in the empty toilet. seldom can you find empty toilets in this place!
first kiss... of the night!
the following few pictures are for the boys who read, and the girls who love a hot chick! that's our linder, who won some beautiful body award!!! =)))
i'm trying to date her. =p
oooooooo!!! check out gin's blingbling!!!! *shields eyes from that immense brightness!*
zouk dosen't have seats in their smoking room- which was actually just a bounded outdoor area. so we had to squat around like some marijuana addict. bah.
pretty, pretty, pretty.
this was the third drink i think.
me and my yiwenzilla. that's right. MINE. all the pretty girls are MINEMINEMINE!!!
"cars won't knock pretty girls!!" unless the driver is prettier than you! that's what i told them while running across the road outside zouk. =x
My date trying to pick up other girls.... "don't you know, lesbians are not monogamous..." fine la... good things should be shared with others... =/
that's my laopo thru 2 musicals, with MY PREZZIE!!! i loveeee youuu!!!!
Yiwenzilla trying to sneak past the bouncer by distracting him with her boobies!!! HAHA! (i'd be trying my best to make her stay there if i were the bouncer tho.. love looking at her boobies! =p)
Pretty Lady. Hopefully i'll be seeing you on this thursday! hehe.
i hope you don't hate me, but you're so cute on your way to getting wasted.. =) Somehow ppl kept buying us drinks that night. i checked with the boyfriend- he said it's ok, go ahead. I LOVE HIM!!!
1 comment:
mahaha..i jus saw dis post! hate my balloon face photo man. so extra. hahaha..k bye.
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