September 200805 September 2008A heavy downpour saw the boys huddling together as they ran for the car. aw.... so sweet!!
13 September 2008They were giving out paperbags in town; advertisement for some condom thing i think. I like the bag hehe.
15 September 2008More huddling. Maybe the rain the previous time was just an excuse.... HMMMMM.....
18 September 2008Boy, Edwin, and Mike's Birthday at St JamesMORE hugs. *coughgay*cough!! =p

Get a room!

Jane looks super cute here!

Cindy, me and the Girlfriend. Awww.. I miss
the my girlfriend!!

I can't remember what this was about... But cute la. heh.
Like a.. "Don't mess with my booze" sorta thing.

You see, it was a picture with Cliff and me.. then the extras squished in!! lol.

Cassan hearts 3-way kisses.. it's the best way to go!!

Twosomes are sloppier, but just not as fun =p Eh Mike, what you trying to do to Joy behind there huh.. tsktsk.

Girlfriend and I turned Karaoke session into RnB clubbing!!!

More loving moments... =D

I like this picture. So sweet.

Love is when your friend holds you up so you can smoke properly, when you can barely stand..

The girls. 4 of us escaped to powerhouse earlier to get the 5 free drinks (Joy wasn't here then). Jane came back the sober-est. But that much tequila, EW. It's nice when the world spins, but not when your throat tastes like crap.

When people were sober.

RnB: so the sofa became the podium. Took eons to get Jane up there =)

End of the night: Edwin was terribly gone, that's all I remember. LOL.
25 September 2008
Bag too heavy.. Made him carry my bag for the first time. And I insisted that
carrying it any other way will spoil my bag. hehehe!
26 September 2008Cute things that make me happy!

why can't my hamsters live in harmony??!!!! grrrrrrr.

Getting #77 tag!!!!! Was so tempted to run away with this tag. heh.
27 September 2008SINGAPORE GRAND PRIX!!!!!!!!!!!!!Got free tickets; and free is free even if not as atas as Esther Leong's air-conditioned, free-flowing-food-and-drinks-seats =D
One of our allocated entrances =)

Tsktsk. Spend so much money onthe track, but can't spend a little more to fix this; tourist fall down how? It's gonna leave a bad image of the country!!

Lots of drinks just lying there, with no security; should have stolen some.. you'll find out why in a while..

Signpost! I refused to take pictures cos I was extremely grumpy. I was sweating like a pig (without lipstick; I'm not an American you see.) in my jeans. Why jeans? Because the dress-code was smart casual, and shorts to me do not fall under smart-casual; and I didn't want to wear a dress because I knew I might have to climb around and sit on the ground.

The pretty cars and minimal shade under the trees made me a little happier.

I love this car!! so pretty!!!

This I like cos it's GREEN!

The CLK (or is it the S?!), before it became what it is today.

Another sexy car, one of them was a Jaguar, I just can't remember which!

Happy people =) This was when the sun was setting, and we had cooled off at Starbucks at One Fullerton.

Picturesque sunset.

Thanks Boyfriend. =)

Ferrari!! It's behind bars =/

The crowd trying to get out during the "intermission"

Hoards of people purchasing Ferrari merchandise

This is the reason why I should have stolen drinks!!

A parting shot; My entry ticket, and wax-covered ear plugs =D
28 September 2008Met up with Cliff's friends after F1 for drinks, and to watch the sexy people play pool.

Meiyan and her German friend, Your Highness (This spelling is so much cooler than the real thing. heh.)