I am BACK!!!!
for a while, till I disappear again (Duh~)
and I will update and find pictures from a while back and post them here!! yay. pictures galore if my uploading speed allows =) Be ready!! (They will be up AFTER this post, cos I'm gonna do them chronologically-reversed, and date them accordingly.)
Some days I wonder if I should whore my blog out, do crazy shit, advertise it everywhere, just to get more than 20 readers a day, THEN i will sign up for nuffnang, and get a check each month for adverts placed on my blog. Maybe I should find a community of people that have blos, and we all agree to click on each others blog daily to add to the readership, and we can all get checks from nuffnang. wheeeee!!!
I am too scheming sometimes.
I still donno what to do with all my blogs. I am too lazy to do my foodies blog. But I am gonna do one Cliffy and Cassan's story soon. HEE.
Cliff's drawing =)
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