Had fantastically fantastic fittings and rehearsals today- on the actual stage this time... had some changes which i'm not too sure off, but i believe in following the one in front of me!! hahahaa. =)
Emiko came late- poor girl had a lit paper. i remember lit papers. you NEVER ever feel the 3 hours. it always feels like only an hour and there is never enough time.
anyway, some stolen moments from today =)
skinny legs and fat legs. guess who they belong to!!!!
hahahaha. Gwen can't stop smiling. She said the stall lady keep looking at her.

2 of the uniform girls

gwen looks like she's squeezing pieling's nose. she isn't. really. just trying to feed her. hahahaa.

mei, thana, shikeen, gwen, daniel, me, dympna, geoff

once again, my hot junior, EMIKO!!!!
(reasons to like my school)
(reasons to like my school)

me being annoying with my schoolbag, tie, and heels!!

bumming around after fittings...
me and my darling annabelle!!!
the younger, but taller, and smaller feet-ed girl.
school girls with angelia in the middle =)
labelling photos is so tiring. but it beats writing. haha. gotta sleep.. i'm beat man.... and my calf muscles(muscles laa. not fats can?!) are sore....... 2 days to the finals =)
1 comment:
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