Lots of girls came wearing specs. hahahaa. they look sooooooo cute!!!!! anyway, we had one final rehearsal(with the male models), then had a few hours free till 12 when we had to go do our make up and stuff. mind you, some of the male models(the AMs) were quite unfriendly and egoistical k! heard from some of the girls that they almost knocked into them but instead of apologising, they muttered something that included the word "bitch"! we thought that the guys were quite arrogant- cos they didn't talk to us. i found out the next day that there was actually some language barrier- most of the models didn't speak much english. Anyway, we lazed around, rehearsed, had breakfast, went last minute shopping for shoes, then finally, make up.
here goes!
Gwen and Dympna looking cheery, early in the morning before rehearsals.
This was the part where we were sitting around after our rehearsal and watching Denise Keller and the other dancers. Don't have any pictures of us rehearsing.. sorry!
Had breakfast at delifrance, it was quite messy taking orders.. anyway, Conelia and Dympna talking here. you won't believe the common topics we have!!! haha. 5,6,7,8 were happily bitching and gossiping away about everything =)
Annabelle was shopping for a dress with her mom and boyfriend, thus was out of the picture.
Occasionally, the mouths stop moving to pose for pictures. =) Thanks for this shot Angelia (lady in mirror)!
two of the younger contestants- Tabatha(who's taking her O's this year and really should be studying!! all the best sweetie!) and Renee(who's Emiko's age and teaches me lotsa swear words so i love her too!!)
After shopping, whilst waiting for makeup, showed Sarah(in black) some shoes for the outfits.. Sexy back belongs to Dympna.
The girl's toilet was locked so they found their way into the guy's toilet. i was running around outside, hearing voices but unable to find any girls!!! haha. anyway, Conelia and Gwen posing with sparkling white urinals, showing their sexy slim legs here =)
i look so fugging fat and here!!! -bang head- and Dympna looks so sweet!! haha.
Ok. i ran around making people pose for "before" shots. haha. Gwen was sick- that's y the sad face. i like Gwen. She's light enough for me to carry around. =) i lost Dympna's before shot so she's not shown here.. and Sophie wasn't here yet so i cldn't capture her either. =)

Me before makeup. i am super narcissistic and i think Lynn was getting annoyed. ahaha. she's frowning at the back!!! lol. i think everyone thought i was super narcissistic. i don't care! i just got my camera and i can take as many pictures as i want! *sticks out tongue* besides, how many times in your life do you join new face huh?

that's Rachel doing my makeup. Contact me if you like my makeup and would like to get her to make you up too. =)
Eyeliner. i HATE eyeliner. i HATE people using eyeliner on me. grrrrr. But Rachel was extremely patient with me.
The beginings of super cool eye shadow.
Anyway, i snapped pictures here and there.. this is of everyone doing nothing. =)
This is Beno, M.A.C. make up artist- i think he's really good. He did my make up for my second shoot;the one that appeared in TNP center page- i wanted to take a full body picture of him cos he was kneeling down while doing Thana's make up and somehow i found his pose very interesting. But being right next to him, this was all i could manange =)
I don't know the name of the make up artist in this picture, but the girl sititng there is Gwen- recognise her by the extremely short shorts =) Belle and Dympna looks on.....
And in the midst of everything, TADA!!! my make up is done!!!! The smokey eye effect. Very big and dark eyes. i like!!!!! THANKIEW RACHEL!!! *muackxmuackx*
Take a look at my eyelids. they look so cool i just wanna walk aroung with my eyes closed so everyone can see them! hahahahaahaaaa!!!!! i'll terrorise you with my cool purple eyelids!! est!!! damn nice right!!!!!!
take a closer look!!! and if anyone wants to complain that i've got super long lashes, you're barking up the wrong tree la bro............ mine is a lot of mascara. i'll show you who has REALLY long lashes........
Rachel Doss. Also the lady with the hourglass figure. look at her eyelashes!!! they're LONG!!! you can't really see them that clearly in this picture though.........
Hahaha. Conelia before staring on her make up. Act your age can dear?? hahaa. joking!!!! i like you young and cute!!! =)
Damn... she noticed me....... Rachel... don't hide laaaa.......
Aha!! another shot where her hands don't cover her eyes!!
She didn't know i took this one- i zoomed all the way while hiding behind someone. heh.
And finally she takes a picture!!! yeh!!!!! lol. Gwen, Rachel, and another M.A.C. makeup artist. (i don't know his name either!! sorry!!!)
The narcissisist starts on her hair. Stylist frowns at her fringe. "wah.. how come i always do the one with fringe... harder to do leh....." haha. sorry laaa....
Despite what he says, he expertly twists my hair around. "oi! Don't anyhow pull! wait she pain she scold me!!" , he tells the other guy helping him. i'll just make faces la... i don't scold. hahaha.
Me: "i'm trying to take a picture of you!!"
Stylist: "i'm camera shy!!"
Anyhow, i just keep trying my luck. haha. No full frontal, but abit of his face here and there la. He was very nice to my hair-dosen't pull/tug too hard, dosen't rip off patches of hair, dosen't try to stab my skull with pins. i give him 4 outta 5 stars =) i think most of the conversations i overheard between him and his friend were in chinese- i can't quite remember. the dialougue isn't very accurate either. But it went somewhere along those lines. He's from the Toni and Guy outlet in holland village. =)
WHEE!!!! 1 currypok out of the oven!!! The currypok is supposed to add height to the shorter half, while the taller half can take the width of the afro.
And finally, after a few hours, TADA!!!!!! the "after" everyone looking so different from usual!!

Some specimens of eye makeup. From left down: Thana, jeanette, Gwen. From right down: Me, Sophie, Pieling.

My entourage. My sweeties. My 5,6,7,8,9. We need to meet up!!!!!!!!!! From left: Belle, Con, Me, Gwen, Dympna.

At the end of it all, the winners. =) Shikeen, Sophie and Lynn. i think shikeen improved the most when you compare the winners. i remember Denise commenting on her horsekick. And look!! No more horsekick!! Replaced by a sash, a throphy, and a fatter wallet =)
One thing that made me damn happy that night. It was alot my favourite people put together in one place. I have my darling girls-my bestfren, weiying and sheryl.

I have my mummy and some of her friends that watched me grow up. =) Aunty Sandra, Aunty Serena, and Aunty Nita.
I have my boyfriend and his friends-Estelle, Alex, Gilson.

Even Yinsiu was there, not in person but in spirit- i was wearing her prom dress!! hahahaa!

The aftermath. Went to chinablack for a while- music sucked. i headed home to rest and prepare for my taka show the following day, while Xinyu, Sarah, Jeanne went to indochine. One parting shot before i wash my hair.... Makeup was removed in the cab. heh. Can you believe it? i had taken out every single pin in my hair for this picture!!! but my hair still stood, tall and stiff!! (sounds bad. i know =x)

ok. that's all. My once in a lifetime thing. TNP Newface 2005. i did a fashion show for taka on 8 oct, talked to some of the male models. My partner for that show was a korean guy named Min. Conversed with lots of sign language. haha. but we managed =) I started a conversation with Sophie's partner with the traditional "are you mixed??". trust me, people hate that question, but it works. mostly. He's JK. HE's russian chinese. (China Chinese). He taught me how to say "i love you" in russian which i forgot. blah. so i need to see him again and get him to teach me again. this time, i'm gonna write it down!! i still remember the spanish and french swear words that Renee taught me though. =) i'm expanding my language knowledge!! lalalalalaaa.
A big thank you to all the people who spent money voting for me, i'm sorry i let you down, but thank you all the same. =)
A big thank you to all the people who were physically there, and all those who weren't there but wished all the best for me.
Uh. Thank you all la. haha. *muackx*
Hallo babe!
Hehe.. Catch up with you again soon!
When our time permits that is..
BAH.. I hate being busy all the time!
Anyway, love you, TAKE CARE! =D
ha. ya right. esther is always a happy busy bee. if ahe aint busy, she aint happy! she like doing lotsa things for everyone, complain that it isn't her job and people don't even recognise the effort she puts in, but she still does it and does it well anyway. that's what i call a hard worker!! she goes the extra mile.
shit. sounds like a testimonial. shall put it in friendster. haha. =)
hey, where dat gown you wear bought from? damn nice!
hey, where dat gown you wear bought from? damn nice!
the low neck black gown is from phuture london. =)
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