uh...... don't think cliff will be letting me drive after the horrible shocks i gave him today.... =x but still, it has been a veryvery nice week spent with him. hahaha. one whole week of having cliff all to myself. -grin- yes, i am selfish. i don't care. i cried again that night when i suddenly thot of how little time i have left in singapore. lol.
today's show was quite alright la.... but it's like... $5/hr???? hahahahhaaa. that's ok though... exposure is important. company too. and the company was G R E A T. had all the lovely girls with me, the guys walking with us (guys. not male models. they're professional wakeboarders from like, thailand, japan, singapore etc. as well as a couple of footballers. only one considered male model i suppose.... and i siasuay myself by asking him a damn lot of super straightforward personal questions. BUT it's better to be straighforward and rude instead of longwinded and prying k!!! both ways are annoying, just that when you're straightforward, you take less time so you are not being annoying for too long. =) i apologised k!!!! and he said it's ok, which i really hope he means it, cos i was really just curious laaaaa.... sososo sorry!!!) were veryveryveryveryvery ncie people!!!! no airs, no arrogance, no snobbery. just plain friendly, fun, easy-to-get-along-with. So basically, i had fun. whether it was bitching and gossiping with the girls, or talking to the guys. it was plain fun, joking around and all that. =)
the sequences were changed almost every single time we walked, which was freaking annoying and fickle minded. it spoilt the mood for the girls, THEN she demanded that we walk with more spirit, look more alive and happy. THEN she showed us how we should walk. THEN she said that the girls sucked and how the guys were so much better. she probably had her eyes strained on the guys only all the time la. HELLO??? the flirting was pretty obvious, how she'd pay so much more attention to the guys, how she totally disregarded us. how she only realised that some of the girls did not have enough time to change when it was way too late, even tho at around lunch time, one of the girls tried to tell her that, but she answered her cell with a "hey babe, how're you? -giggle-", walked off and ignored the girl. YOU TELL ME YOU DIDN'T REALISE??? yeah sure, like totally, you too much on your mind then. -giggle- bah. i miss daniel. danieldanieldaniel!!!!!! grrr. so much more complain. how she only criticised the girls. i don't believe the guys did not make any mistake at all lor!! oh. and the way she decided that rachel should wear the shorts. =(
but i still enjoyed myself anyway. -grin- many boo-boos throughout the day. because of certain reasons, some girls quarrelled, know-it-alls try to share their knowledge in a not-too-friendly manner, poor rachel tripped on the bloody platform, got her eye scratched by a wing then her jaw knocked by the helmet. poor girl!!!! dear gwen getting screamed at for something not her fault. what catastrophe. STILL, we made it through. =) and yes, i'm gonna repeat myself- it was lotsa of fun and extremely enjoyable. =)
OH. and it's his n my 8/9/10th month. either one, depends on how you see it. heh. =)
On helloween. my favourite holiday. cos i get to dress up, walk around looking weird, and i don't have to buy presents for anyone(except mommy cos it's also her birthday...). i can't stand seeing angels and princesses on helloween. can't stand seeing people looking pretty on helloween. hello??? it's HELLoween!!!! you're supposed to look scary and ghoulish and freaky!!! not sweet and pretty... that said, i spent my night thinking of what i would do if the other girls would let me draw on their faces!! hahahaha.
OH!! ashley treated linderr, jeanne and me to drinks. waterfall and flaming lambo. NICE!!!! *slurps* thankiew ashleyyy!!!!!
picture perfect. chinese girl weiying, CSI sarah, dead bat/moth/butterfly me, lil' girl xinyu, linderr's miming friend, dead mermaid linderr, cute vamp jeanne!!

us with the whole bunch of white miming people(donno what they're called. sorry!)

Me and weiying!!! happy hell'o'ween!!!!!
the two chinese ladies... heh. weiying looking similar to her J1 outfit. lol.
me. also looking very similar to what i wore for J1's helloween... i like my stockings. =)
that's US! me, xinyu, weiying, singuan!! happy people who went to momo cos zouk was too crowded, and got a shock when people started talking to us, but it turned out to be a pleasant surprise instead. hahaha.
i know i look like i'm grabbing her boob. i'm not. really. just waiting for it to fall into my palm!! heh.
Brought mommy to tony roma's for dinner before running off to celebrate HELLoween (i KNOW it's spelt hAlloween but i like MY spelling better can?!)
on mommy the witch's birthday, cliff gave her a lily.
*sniffsniff* how sweet of you!!!!

OOO!!!! what's THAT in the flower??? i think i saw it move!!!

*inspects closer*

ohhhh. it's nothing.... i saw wrongly....

mommy dearest enjoying the walnutpecancheesecake that cliff got from taka.

mommydearest, me, cliffydarling.

Happy Birthday mommy. Ngor ngoi lei!!!!!
HELLO! Haha yah I heard from Angelia that the choreographer wasn't very nice! Then just think of the other younger us who aren't allowed to do the show at all because we're underage!!
ayee.... there're always other shows..... least u didn't have to take her horrible-ness =)
haha. yeah! we're gonna do another show together. Darny..wanted to go into Zouk underage...lol.
Aww...when are you leaving cassandra? i'm going to really miss you =( !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thank you for helping out with our pw. And also for listening to me rant. THANK YOU !! *huggies*
=) muah
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