ok. i gotta hurry blog about last saturday's show cos tmr there're more new stuff to blog about. hehe. and today is WeiYing the Great's birthday!!!!!
*all kowtow to the one and only weiying the Great*
had fittings for nexfad on tuesday (the day cliff went for his sgt course briefing =>)...
somehow i just like this picture. heh.
more pictures from our fitting.... it took like, 3 hours at far east. in a make-shift dressing room that had no privacy whatsoever. all the tikopeks walking around outside trying to look in. kns.
this is us on the day itself, before the show....
them backcombing my hair, me hating it. BUT i can still take pictures when i'm in such pain. haha.
this is how we spend our time while waiting for our hair to be done....
me and my cool shield. =)
see the woman in red? we don't like her. she talks too much. even when there's no one replying her. =/
(in chinese)
"eh! their hair very aunty hor! so ugly!! hahaha."
"what they wearing later huh? eh. she tell me they have 2 shows leh!! i don't care lor, i won't be doing the touch up for them! i'm very busy you know!!"
"oh no! what if they come to the shop and make me touch up for them??!!! i don't have time lor..."
i didn't speak a word of chinese. and as it was fawziah and tabatha in the room with me, and shikeen later on, she happily continued talking in chinese, thinking not a single one of us understands her. hello? you think you're speaking swahilli ar? please, this is singapore. and you're speaking
then makeup person continued, this time addressing me in singlish.
her :you like your hair anot?
me: it's ok la..
her: *giggle* not bad hor..
what the hell???? liarliarpantsonfire!!! seriously. i wanted to slap her with my slipper.
on the bright side, people like this gives me fodder for gossip with the girls. so. go on, continue complaining in chinese. =)
back to the show.
this is cris, me and shikeen in our first outfits.
sophie all geared up for work!!
sophie and fellow construction worker, tabatha!! hahaha
this is half of us onstage...
this is the other half.
i like this picture.. we look..... windswept. =)
all my outfits.
i quite like the green and white combi. and you see the picture of me in brown and black?? see that black tube?? it is mine. but no longer. i brought it to wear under that brown shrug. once i paraded that, went backstage, took it off, stuffed it halfway into my bag. after the whole show, i realised that my bag was zipped though i had left it unzipped. i didn't take that into mind. then after i left fareast, i was looking for something in my bag and realised that my black tube was gone!!!
i'm sure it was the dresser that took it out of my bag then zipped up my bag. for goodness sake, did she think i wanted to steal it?? i wouldn't have left it hanging out if i wanted to steal it right? and maybe she thought i had just thrown it there after i tried it..? it was stuffed mostly into my bag!! it wasn't a casual throw-it-on-the-floor. it was in my bag!!! and she didn't even bother to ask. i mean, that tube was not in the pictures(we have pictures stuck on the wall to show the clothes we would be wearing) at all, couldn't she have asked??? i am so freaking pissed. it's just a cheap tube from this fashion. but still!!! it's like a wardrobe essential for me!! and now i have to get another one. argh. why can't she ask? ok fine. i know i should have checked before i left. but i didn't cos for one, i remember stuffing it into my bag. for another, my bag was zipped, i assumed it was inside. argh. no more assumptions for me!!! poor sophie lost her shoes!! and emiko lost her uniform during the new face show. and i think it was rachel who almost got her own boots kept away cos the dressers thought it belonged to the show. is asking that difficult??
she insisted on pinning my top for me, when she pinned it ugly-ly. and each time i wanted to do it prettily, she would insist on doing it for me again-ugly-ly. argh. i finally managed to pin it prettily when i got out of her sight. i told her many times i wanted to pin it myself but she didn't listen! why can't she listen??
then i needed help to find the zip on my top, while i settled my skirt myself. she refused to listen to me. she insisted on doing the already-done skirt for me. why can't she listen?? i should know what is easiest for myself, right? plus she kept trying to do mundane stuff for me when poor sophie had to put on some weird top and had to ask for her attention instead.
sigh. otherwise, i enjoyed doing this show very much. every show teaches me something new. this time, i learn to check my stuff before leaving man... haha. i complain alot right? but that's alright- life is short. ahhahahahaa. complain while i still have the energy to do so. lalalalalaaaaaa
after the show: this is of everyone. wendy jacobs, patricia mok, angelia tay, us, and i don't know who are the guys. heh.
the cute little boy and four pretty ladies. heh.
he looks like he's peeping at the outside world from inside his pram!!! so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
late night shopping at carrefour. cliff and me in a jacket. hee.

You've seen this right?
alamak..the clothes by Nafa really out of this world. The orange outfit worn by Tabatha looks like those orange vest worn by CWO :P
haha. it's new age stuff!!! lol. and her outfit GLOWS!!!!
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