Benjy's birthday on 7 april.
Dear benjy, i've known you since those disgusting heavily gelled, center parting days. you've changed sooooo much, yet not at all. you look muchmuchmuch better of course. =) heh. and i am proud of the fact that i know you- you gave me lotsa beautiful memories (despite you calling me c-ass all the time. BENJY.), and i enjoy the time (ok fine! i know it's not that much anyway... heh.) spent watching you guys (pn and robin) drink beer whilst i stone. haha. next time i will drink with you =) there's twice this year that you've really made my day. thank you my dear benjy. =) Happy Birthday!!!
Stef's birthday on 7 april.
she's in white
Of all the time i spent in SRJC, the times i spent with cygnus are the best. Seriously. i am sooooooooo thankful i met you all. so glad i met you. you've always been THAT sexy chick. i'm so proud your're my friend =) for lotsa reasons besides that you're hot and babelicious of course. heh. you're sweet, you're so nice to bitch to!, and so many other reasons i can't quite remember!! (all you cygnus girls are so nice to bitch to!) i hope you get nothing but the best in life babe!! happy birthday!!!
Cliff's birthday on 9 april.
Dear Boyfriend, where do i start?? It's been 14 months and i just love you more each day. It's your second birthday since we got together, but I CANT SPEND IT WITH YOU!!!! knn. all the same, i'm glad you enjoyed the brazillian buffet =) You've been WONDERFUL, baby. i love you. love you for all the silly things you do for me, the silly things you do with me, and you laugh (not snigger, but the appreciating kind of laugh with the glimmer in your eye cos you love me despite me being so silly) when i do the silly things, and gamely visit zoos and botanical gardens and wherever i fancy with me. love you for being the asshole that quarrels with me, then dries my tears. love you for being you! Happy birthday!!! Do eyes get smaller with age...? hmmm. i don't think so right..? *evil grin*
Sonny's birthday on 9 april.
I love the fact that you and Cliff share the same birthday! heh. 2 special people. i've been a bitch before, i'm sorry. Happy.. 7th birthday sonny!!!!! =) your mom loves ya!!!! and like what i said to benjy, we've shared manymany beautiful memories together, and it's been great! =) you're a great son and friend.. i wish you all the best in all that you do alright?? STUDY HARD!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!
Yanjun's birthday on 10 april.
she's on the right
Like i said to stef, i'm so glad i met you. you, mandy, and me, screaming all the way during orientation. can you believe it's the start of the fourth year we've known each other??? =) i never ever wanna lose contact with you guys!!! you're sweet, cute, caring, and pretty. and i know you're only gonna get sweeter, cuter, caring-er, and prettier!! hee. Happy birthday my dear girl!!! all the best alright!!
Christina's birthday on 11 april.

i've only known her for bout 2 months. but i know that i wanna be her FRIEND. hee. i do have a slight crush on her tho... lalalalaa. babe, you don't know how much you mean to me!! school without you would be shit man.. you are my life in school!!! i love talking to you bout everything, bitching to you, complaining, gossiping with you. Thank you so much =) i didn't give you much, but you're the only person i physically spent a birthday with!!! though it was only a cinnamon roll at starbucks.. CAN YOU BELIEVE THEY DON'T HAVE CANDLES??? bah. anyway, happy birthday my dear friend =)
Lee's birthday on 18 april.

I woke up this morning, feeling like it was a special day, something important was happening today, but couldn't quite remember what.. till xinyu messaged me. =)
I think i would have failed maths without lee. but i'm so sorry that i screwed up and did THAT badly... i'm happy i had tuition with you though.. you're a great teacher, great mentor, great friend, great person. you talk to us, teach us, and tell us things we'd otherwise not know.. (just that you didn't introduce us to any of your cute little boy students!! damn.) you treat us as individual humans, not just subjects that accumulate to the statistics that indicate your effectiveness as a teacher. you buy us treats from wherever you go, and you message us and keep track of how we're going, how things have been, the new boys we're dating. because of all that, you're a fantastic teacher. didi mention he sends us home after tuition if it's really late?? you're our king =) love you lots and lots!!! i promise to treat you to dinner when i'm back =) Happy birthday!!!!
Robinson's birthday on 23 april.

Same as pn and ben. Thanks so much for everything. unlike them, you've always been more matured! and i loved running to your house with cailing and weiying during school. hahaa. i've witnessed lots of your sweetness- going on your knees to get a girl to be yours, kissing behind the lockers, preparing prata for your girl and her friends....... all the little things that tell me you're a great boyfriend. and as i already know you're a great friend, that's IT. you're a great person!!! heh. all the best robin, i know we don't talk much, but i do think of you! (sometimes... =x) HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

PS. dear ben, pn, robin, i still can't believe you guys chose the year xinyu and i are in aussieland to celebrate your birthday in a pub. assholes.
I have been telling everyone that being by myself is very good for me. Time for myself- no friends or boyfriends to distract me- tho i do talk to them a lot. (I enjoy shopping and wandering around by myself, but no, i am not a pathetic loner with no friends here. i do have friends k!!) I am muchmuch more focused than i have been the past..... erm..... ten years i think. Since i was old enough to go out, i stopped concentrating on my studies.
But now, i am CHANGED. i studied hard, did my home work and i got a D for my communications essay. Nope, not D as in just nearly pass.... but D for DISTINCTION!!!
i was so scared i'd fail... then when i saw my grade..... i checked so many times, just to make sure it was really my grade. and it IS!!! =))) I got a D for my first essay!!! hehe. the highest it goes is a HD (high distinction). 140 essays, 16 Ds, and 2 HDs. (yes, i counted =x) hee.
ok fine. i admit. the annoying lil' bitch in me is whining cos i didn't get the HD. heh. but as xinyu (2006, 20 April, pers. comm.) said, "not too bad for the first time".
anyway, THAT, plus the fact that Cliff will be here in 2 days and i will be reunited with my other half in 4 days, makes me an extremely elated girl.
La vie est belle. (spelling??)
cassan loves you all. weiying!! i can't wait to see you too. =) next year, it's all four of us!!! and hopefully in june, it's all 6 of us!!! sher i dreamt of you last night!!! (and i seldom dream ok!!)
i can't wait i can't wait i can't wait!!!
Best! did u really post this on 20th april?! anyway, pictures of Melbourne!!!! i miss u so muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! u noe, i actually wanted to be a kiasu kid and book my ticket to sydney in sept but i was too embarrassed to do it. i cant wait to see ya! i'll vroom vroom us to shopping n clubbing ok! i love u dear!
babe, I DID!! haha. but i just drafted it.. took me some time to find all the pix you see.. hahaa. the melbourne one should be up by next week.... i have seven days to blog about k!! hehe. love you babe!!
where's mine where's mine! dont friend you! haha..
come home soon pretty pretty please...
Thank you mummy. thanx for everything. :)))
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