myself a fashion fest in melbourne. To actually bother to dress up everyday. I managed to. hehe. Here's what i have done the past week. =)
My day 1 outfit was not captured, but was kinda witchy. A purple stripey long sleeve, black vest, black cardigan, assymetrical balck flowy skirt, purple tights and black ankle boots. =)
Day 2: to bridge road outfit. tie up hair cos it is skanky. hehe
victoria markets! shopping for a week's worth of groceries... is HEAVY.
first night. viewing our photo album after dinner... laughing over the things we wrote in it. Memories are ours to keep. Till we turn senile that is. =p
everybody, meet my best. 7 years y'all!!!
My second night in bestfriendland.
because this is my blog. you look at MY face. =p
who else, but me and the best . AGAIN. =)
chocolate overdose at koko black!
kbox y'all!! sexy naughty bitchy, don't cha, britney spears, barbie girl, spice girls, nsync, and MOREMOREMOREMOREMOREEEEE!!!!!!!!
the cozzie's new. =) and the food is good! heh.
i made dinner, a nice cake, and we played indian poker. this was a suple shitty and scary round, with 2 3s, and 3 2s!!! i think me and jess were the fattest losers!!
xinds looking HAWT!!!!
My favourite spot. Here i don't have to fall asleep with techno blasting in my ears. But here i can't talk xind's ears off. hehe.
fajita!!!!!! *slurps!! i wanna go to iguana boyfriend!!!!! bring me there soooooon.....
this is us after a very fufilling dinner of fajita, qaesidilla, JD samplers and chicken mushroom chicken, at TGIF!
our beautiful matching jackets!!!
so i ended up eating out of my empty timtam box. bah. and OH!! looook!!! that's what i was eating.... chewed up rice with roast duck sauce!! hahaha
gelati. healthy icecream!
victory y'all!! t'was a good night at crown. =)
Crown's toilet!
aunty xinds just across the room from me!!!! the gooodgoooooood days that i will remember when i'm back in humid singapore. keeping xinds up till 4.30am because i can't stop talking, then she couldn't stop talking, then she had to pee and wanted to drink milo, then i had to flash, then we had to untangle the blinds that almost died. then finally, after gaining our membership to the xiong mao ju le bu, we slept. =) love the best!
1 comment:
i love yr day 4 n 5 dressing best! =) oh and i know the balancin straw trick too lah... the trick is to s..... ok, i shant spoil it for u. =p
cant wait for u skanky kickin ass chick to be back!!!
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