My farewell from Sofitel. where we get drunk and do stupid things. sheesh cass. -bang head.
cheongy, cassie, me.

ya, nem ko via, po polish ku. i'll miss you mom, come to the wedding!

me and the lozzelpop!

hear no evil see no evil speak no evil!

alison and me. the first girl i met at work!

cassie, the tall one, got me fredo. hehehe

3 musketeers no more... oh well. we were, for a short while..

drunk kids. i kissed all the girls and took pictures. great cass. you're going down sofitel history as lesbo asian kid. WTF did i do!!! i'm hiding those picturess!

my all time fave girl

me, darren the chef, and his very sweet looking girlfriend. i don even know her but i like her!

skanky skirt and bedroom slippers. hehe.

back of house in the middle of the night to get stuff from the carpark!

daniel's cute PJs!

kris mentioned me in the note! how sweet!!!

leong, cassandra - g o o d b y e.

last picture with kris before i helped her with chairs..

no more buffet and coffee station setups....

byebye sofitel
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