cassan knows sign language too k!! (besides the middle finger). and to xinyu, weiying, cliff, who so sweetly fulfilled my wish of having a photo of "all my favourite and imp ppl".. this one's right back at ya!!! in return to your "we love cassan", here's an I LOVE YOU!!!
this was first day at school, face looking puffy due to two days straight of crying, in my school uniform- without the scarf.

Sorry for inducing any heart- attacks (cos it's terribly flat-chested and fugly, i've been underfed and my chest lost weight but my tummy didn't.). I LIKE MY NEW BIKINI TOP!!!!!!!! it's veryveryvery pretty!!!! don't you think it's pretty?? huh??? summer sale goodies =) ask me and i might ell you the price. HEE.

pretty things. rows and rows and shelves FULL of easter bunnies and eggs!!! the sweetest car plate i've ever seen- not just another name or number, this one's "IN 10VE"!!!! and cutesy lil bits of puppies. doncha just lurvvvveeeee 'em??!!!!

Today i got molested AGAIN. on my very first day here, a fucking BLACK COCKRACH dopped on MY HAND when i was about to open the door. holy cow!!! a BLACK COCKRACH!!!!! do you have any idea how traumatising it is to have a COCKROACH fall on your hand?? can you imagine any thing worse???
i can.
i found this one inch long, half inch wide extremely colourful beetle on the scarf that i'm supposed to tie around my neck like a necktie. you know the worse part?? I WAS WEARING THAT SCARF!!!!! so that colourful thing was hanging onto my scarf, CRAWLING TOWARDS MY NECK!!!! omfg!!!!!!!!!
i freaked out. the scarf was tied with a double knot so i couldn't untie it and throw the thing away, so i tried to flip it off the scarf but you know how beetles have very sticky legs?? IT STUCK ON MY SCARF AND REFUSED TO BUDGE!!!!
i flipped my scarf again one last time damn hard, and the thing disappeared. now worse. i couldn't see it anywhere. not on the seat( i was in a aircon bus dammit!), not on the floor. what's worse than seeing a beetle infront of you? seeing it then not seeing it anymore. cos if you can't see it, it might still be somewhere on you.
i changed seats. still very nervous and freaked out.
after about 5 min, i looked on my right sleeve, checked my blazer, checked my bag, looked on my pants, (i took off my scarf already), looked at my left sleeve and AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT WAS THERE AGAIN CRAWLING ON MY LEFT SLEEVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my reaction was so huge the indian lady behind me was distracted from her book and saw my assailant finally (she noticed me looking ard nervously before that). and she valantly sweeped the bug off my sleeve with her bookmark, then seeing my petrified face, sweeped it again till it was at the other end of the width of the bus.
i don't know what i would have done wothout the kind indian lady. i was so horribly shocked i teared!!!!!!! *faint*
argh. i'm scared of all these weird bugs and they're rampant here!!!!! nto forgetting the daddy-long-legs that lives in my bathtub. -shudders-
i rmb the time when i screamed and benjy saved me from the ant on my leg. =/
cliff!!!! me badly traumatised =(
bestfren! omg, i hope no more creepy crawlies attack u again. my roomie's out n she offered me her internet again! hehe. i was supposed to have coffee w her at Lygon st tonight but i think im meeting ys n her mama so cant. i miss u! i hope u come to melb in easter! den we can dress up n take lotsa pix. u noe, i haven taken more than 10 pix of myself since i arrived. im THAT depressed. my mummy smsed me again today. smses from SINGAPORE just brighten my day!!! i love you!
wo ye ai ni!!!!! hahahahaa.
i hope no more bug attack man.. i will go mad!!!!!!
anw, i hoep i'll have money to visit in easter too. if i have LOS of money, then i'll visit u first, then go back sg. heh.
take care sweetheart!
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