1. A family of less than 10 Hamsters (same sex only.)
2. A family of chinchillas!!!
3. A ferret. (don't you think they're so cute???)
4. A doggie. (Jack, the jack russell terrier!)
5. A porcupine, or a hedgehog. (named after me.)
6. A fox. (which i will name foxy, and claim it's a dog.)
7. A reptile. Preferbly a snake- i fell in love with ball pythons, corn snakes, and the lithe little green tree snake. They're so sexy!! (i'll teach my snake to be vegetarian!!)
below is a baby corn snake. isn't it pretty???????
Why i want to cultivate my snake into a vegetarian???
watch THIS------> http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7066331493811963704
then again. maybe not. when i get sick of my hamsters, i know what to do with them =) (that's after esta cuts off it's whiskers!).
sigh. snakes are sooooooooooo sexy!!!!!!!
and you know what?? i just found out there are wolf-dogs!!! as in, really half wolf half dog!!!!!! *swoon*
You remembered my hamster thingy! Hehehe.. =D
Still waiting for hamster experiment number 203930959850-208-349873048. Muahaha.
walan. fuckin cruel la cassan.. haha!
i think ferrets are the cutest...
but the feline just might kill it with her claws.. =P
happy lunar new year to you, neighbour!
got time come over, k?
GONG XI FA CAI everyone!!!!!!
est: of cos i rmb! hahaha. it's the evilest thing a mouse can do to a hamster!
yiwen: it's not cruel, it's called a food chain!
angeline: i'm leaving soooooon! no time! hahaa
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