Lowhey-ing with my favourite girls...

Watching the sunrise with my favourite, my dearest, my baby..

Cliff makes me cry. i was fine at the airport till i hugged him, then i cried and i couldn't stp. and i cried on and off on the plane, then i cried when i reached, when i hugged my gramma, when i went to bed, when i called him from here. =/
i miss you cliffy!!!!!! *muackx*
but i'll be back to annoy you soon =)
cliff and his parents, estelle, hariah, xinyu, weiying, yinsiu and yiwen sent me off. it was nothing like the practice round back in april 05. for one, one impt person was missing, but it dosen't matter anymore. cos i have so many other impt ppl all around me!!! and everyone that came gave me a present!!! YEH!!!!!!
cassan loves presents!!!

Thanks for getting this done for me bestfren, i don't know what i'd do without you!!!! and cliff?? see! xinyu is so nice to you!!! hahaha =)))
dear, pls share the wine with your family k!!!!

the lovely oldies =)

lotsa ppl msged me too.. kim, jason, leonard, mandy, chay, singuan, sarah, ben, sonny, shit i forgot the rest. =X sorry!! and i know some stuck in ns with no phone to msg and tell me they will miss me, but it's ok- I KNOW YOU WILL!!!! haha!
and jay for wanting a farewell dinner which i didn't turn up for- i'm sorry but stupid me sprained my foot while walking down the stairs and desperately needed a doctor.. =x
thank you all for bothering with this piece of life here, giving a damn that i won't be in the country for quite some time, and asking me to take care. i promise you guys and girls that i will take care, and because you give a damn about me, i will attempt to look out for stuff for you all- especially the girls cos it's summer sale and i saw lotsa pretty short skirts for $5 only. YEH!!! shopping!! hahahahahaa.
if yiwen were at supre clearance sale with me just now i think she would have spent hundreds!!!
xinyu called when she was at the airport, and passed the phone ard to almost everyone there- dennis, robin, weiying, i forgot the rest again... heh.
anw, updating on xinyu first: she is now living in the city, a street across from yinsiu, RMIT, the state library, a couple of warehouses i think, and the train station to school is just downstairs. how cool is that?!!! i wanna move in with her too!!!! she got her optus the very first day, i shld be getting mine tomorrow.. i called her twice, and the second time she seems much better than the first.. i'm sure things will get better bestfren, take care alright??? *hugs* at least your orientation sounds better than mine- knn. i have almost no orientation!! just sitting in the room and listening to people
back to me. =) i stayed home the whole of saturday, then went shopping on sunday for the business wear i didn't know i needed, else i would have bought it in singapore.. monday i went to school and attempted to make friends with two australian girls, one was really sweet and nice- the other was obnoxious- and she seemed to take pride in the fact that she could talk faster than an mrt, and i couldn't catch her. knn. anyway, made friends with 2 asians after that when we were split into different groups ( thank God! couldn't stand her anymore!) so i have quite an amount of asian friends now- two vietnamese, one chinese(really nice girl), one jap, one thai!! that's all, for now. =) it's hard to make friends, cos they don't understand the way i speak, and they can't appreciate my lame jokes. -sulk- you know how you feel stupid when you crack a joke, noone understands and you have to explain, and then your audience attempt a feeble laugh? yes. like that. bah. bring me home to singapore!!! but the chinese girl is alright cos we converse in chinese alot of the time. hehe. =)
my course seems pretty alright- but i gotta apply for a job soon!!!! argh. what if i get rejected??!!!!
anw, i counted. i only need to work 8 hour shifts for 13 days and i have enough to send myself home to my baby's arms!! lalalalalalalallaaaaaaaaaa. workworkwork!!!!
i wake up about 4am sg time everyday, to reach school by 6am sg. SIAN.
i spent valentine's day not feeling like it was valentines.. mommy was so sweet- she bought me a rose (10 fucking bucks can), and said she wanted to tag it "with love, from cliff", but didn't have paper. awwww.... mommy so sweet!!! love mommy =))
ohohoh!!! today i made friends with a seagull!!! i was feeding it from my hand!!!! yippee!!!!!!! i was kinda scared cos it's beak looked sooooooo sharp!!! but it was fun. then it started fighting away all the other birds when they came too near. cutecutecuteee!!!!!! =))
oh well. some things here are nice- they'd be nicer if i could transport Cliff here to walk ard, feed birds, sit by the quay with me.... and if i could transport my girls over to shop with me.....
Japan next year ok girls???? so looking forward to it!!!!! =))
everynight i call cliff and i wish it was him hugging me instead of me hugging me.
i love you all and i love singapore!!!!! and CASSAN WILL BE BACK TO ANNOY YOU ALL ASAP!!!!!!! stay tuned =)
ps. my baby was the last ns boy left in his division's pool tournament today. Top 8!!! so proud of my handsome baby =)
On feet:
i find that the foot is a very private part of the body. touching someone's foot, or letting someone touch your foot is a sign of immense trust. trust that if your foot stinks, that person won't tell the whole world that you have disgustingly smelly feet and ruin your reputation for life, trust that the person whose foor you are going to touch, loves you enough to thoroughly wash their feet before letting you touch it- such that even if it smells, you know that at the very least, it is clean.(physically clean feet can still be smelly due to medical conditions.)
These are the only 2 people, aside from my family, that have ever touched my foot. not only that, they massaged it and rubbed it too!!! if i have any doubts that they are the most important people in my life, they're all gone now =)

and cliff has massaged both my feet before- stubbly leg hair and all. i love them both soooooooooooo much!!!!! *kisskiss*
1 comment:
i finally managed to come online. I LOVE YOU!
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