Thursday, November 22, 2007

I'm having an eventful period, mostly good, one bad.

Weddings and 2 birthdays to plan, and one very very unexpected death.

Death of this one boy (26 dosen't qualify you as a boy, but that's how i'll always see him as that was how i knew, and remembered him.). A friend's brother, that i knew since 9 or 10, that played block catching, and badminton and zero point and all that with us. A whole group of kids of all ages, who stopped playing with us as they got older. We were not all that close, but still we knew each other's existence, and acknowledged it. My last memory of him was at a dragonboat race during NYJC days. I turned behind, and surprise surprise, the cocksen was none other than my friend's brother!

A filial son, smartest in the family, caring brother, intelligent student, outstanding employee, loving and dedicated new husband.

"A wonderful man, who lead a short, but very fufilled life." I quote Xue to the best of my memory. She always was very proud of him and his accomplishments, and always will be.

Too young he left this world, "He is needed in another place", she said.

The couple were together for almost 10 years. Since JC, till now. I can only imagine the pain. I know he left quite an impression on many people- the amount of flowers and the people that flooded the wake was evidence.

But really, the newspaper articles and fucking annoying reported were unwarranted. If you were there to write the best, wanted to give this young man his last bit of glory, so be it. If you went there in search of an article to fill your miserable pages, fuck you. Put yourself in their shoes. They have more than enough to deal with. They don't need your annoying questions, inaccurate reports, and heavy sighs and disappointed puppy-dog eyes when your begging to talk to his wife comes to naught. Really, would you want me poking and probing into every single thing if it is your kin that passed away? Wait, I don't think you have feelings in the first place. You'll probably be elated because you have every single detail and can write the best article of all! Seriously, Fuck Off. Let the man go in peace! They don't need your inaccurate tales. He is, and always will be so much more than what you can capture in a one page article. Their privacy is not an opportunity for your paper's publicity.

They really got me fired up. If only i was there earlier to help out. =/

Xue did mention that TNP seemed really sincere about it, and were very accurate as well. It was from there that i found out. Read the article out of curiously, then the names got too familiar for my liking. First, his vaguely familiar pictures, then his unusual surname and name, then his wife's name, then the schools, and last of all, i recognised his father's name. No mistake, it was him. Double checked with the orbituaries in ST. Xue's name was there. Scanned through the list, hoping that it really was a huge coincidence; recognised the other name her dad goes by, and her cousin's name. I simply cannot describe my shock, it just too much to comprehend.

26, newly married, golden boy in every sense of the word. Intelligent, hardworking, loving, good looks, physique and personality. Heart stopped functioning whilst he was in the pool, in China.

I'm glad i read the papers, cos i usually only read them a day after. It's all fated I guess.

Called XiaoShi, headed down.

Life is... unpredictable. Fated.

Deepest condolenses to Xue, your Mom and Dad, Debbie, the rest of your family, and all who have suffered this loss.

let me spend some time remembering this wonderful man i never knew.

For anyone who knew him..
I googled him, and this is the legend he left behind.

Google page
Heartfelt messages from a friend (scroll down)
Straits Times
His name is mentioned right at the bottom
I really don't know if this is him, but i believe so.
His memorial; The man, captured forever in cyberspace.

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