Saturday, February 25, 2006

Cassan is NICE.

today i found a handphone and a wallet on a table at the food court in east gardens- it had been sitting on the table for quite some time- and when no one claimed it by the time i left, i picked it up.

LG mobile, $50 cash, visa, atm card, and his pin number on a slip of paper in his wallet!!!!!

i thought the phone was spoilt or off at first cos the screen and all were black- only realised it was screensaver mode when it rang. heh.

Anyway, two of his friends called, but owner didn't call.. so i looked thru his phone book and called his home, my mom spoke to his mom... blablablaaa.....


he called when i was on the bus to bondi, so i got him to meet at bondi, passed him his stuff. he wanted to give us $20 to say thanks, but of cos we rejected it.

The best payment is "thank you", and the look on their faces when they get their personal items back in one piece. the only thing i ask is that they pass it on, and if they happen to find someone elses phone/wallet, do the right thing and return it as well.

ladida. my good deed for the day. And it feels DAMMMNNNNNN good. =)

Cassan misses boyfriend. cassan loves boyfriend. =)))

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