Monday, April 26, 2004

An Act Of Bitchiness

one of them said bout MY friend, "he likes me!!"

uh... ya. right. so what if u're pretty? u're short n stout. n that ruins ur face.. unless u can consider peeping out from ur window everyday, n neva ever showing ur dwarf-like body. then u'd be one of the most covetted beauties.

my friend said bout one of them,"she looks like a total bitch! YUCKS!!"

no prob!! haha. everyone thinks that way dah-ling!

and that top looks ugly on U. u'd do the world a favour if u take it off, then the world can go ard without shades and not get sore eyes.

WHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!! i SAW IT!!! it's a MAXIMISER!!!! (or a push up.. one of them..) lolx.. the difference is just too big la.. if u wanna wear a maximiser, wear it ALL the time! but make sure u inform ur sex partner before activity time, else he'll be greatrly disappointed.. lolx. even a guy noticed it was fake cleavage!! gee...

cant stand myself.
such a critical bitch. sigh.. i'm sorry. sorry God. n.. uh.. if u're wondering who i'm talkin abt, wither ask me, or just go figure. but dont jump to conclusions yea.. lolx.

dont be such a bitch.

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