Sunday, January 01, 2006

it's 2.49am and i'm clean, showered and at home.

i'm so sorry singuan, sarah, and most of all linderr... and xinyu and justin?? thanks so much for the company.

cooked dinner for xinyu, justin, sheryl, mommy.

finally got to count down with a group of people this year.. at that outdoor ngee ann civics plaza thingie. the fireworks and whatevers were so loud!!!! it was scary. din like it. last year was better, just a few close friends in the middle of the road. but party-wise, i guess this year has more people.. bobbing to the beat. not just the people, but also the fingers. there was a couple getting REALLY heavy- his hand was in her jeans, in her panties, down the front, in a lighted area, where anyone who needed the toilet would walk pass. some people like it that way i guess.

the music was good tho. that's very important.

but i got a fucking huge balooku on my thigh now. fuck bloody un-aligned barriers!

then rushing off, frantic, worried, scared, clueless, looking for a cab. then the fucking chao cheebye who tried to pick us up. no i don't want a ride. and fuck you. if you were trying to be nice, i'm sorry. mommy taught me not to take lifts from strangers.

I actually kept last years' resolutions. it feels so good to have done all that! I lost weight, plus i treasured myself and my loved ones more.

As for this year..? i'll keep it short.

#1 to love Cliff and Xinyu with all that i can.
#2 to love and cherish mummy with all that i have.
#3 to treasure the friends that i have and not get pissed off so easily.
#4 not to expect. expectations lead only to disappointment when not fufilled.
#5 to do well in studies, and cope with boyfriend and mommy not being with me 24/7.

I hope that at the end of 2006, i'll still be physically and emotionally close and bonded to my two favourite people in the world (excluding family). I really hope with all my heart, that you two will still be with me for another year. i love you!!!

the first few hours of the new year has not been pleasant. but i'm positive that it'll get better. when at a valley, there is only one way to go and that way's up the mountain! so yes. it's only 3.23am, and i have the rest of the day to make it better!!!

the first day of the new year did turn out great after all. =)
i am happy happy happy!!!!!

XINYU!!!! i love youuuu!!!!!!!!
(i love cliff too. HEE.)

May God bless the world.

and oh. Happy New Year.


xinyu said...


it's always the 2 of us till the end. but it's okay cos that's why we're best frenz. though i really wish all 6 of us can have a very enjoyable holiday together!

I LOVE YOU TO THE MOON AND BACK! -copied from my stalkie-

Cassan said...

bestfren, how can that be enough??? my love for u goes 9354895563 times to the moon and back, then reaches into the blackhole. unending can?? hahahaha.

i wish we can too. maybe after everyone is done with uni i suppose. everyone has their own lives now.. hahahaa.

2 of us to the end bestfren. BOTTOMS UP!!!!! hahahaa. -many hugs-