Sunday, October 29, 2006

Dear Est,

i would have written this in your comments if only you had them.. but you only have pathetic chatboxes. BAH. how can you??!!!

i remember those two years very well... (including the first 3 months of not liking you hysterical laughing thing!)

2 years in a shit hole. looking like shit, studying (not) in shit, putting up with shit teachers who told all his other classes we were shit after we left. (effing pathetic math department!!!) and facing shit situation every single day.. wanting the dreams that never came true.

and you know what? you're right. you'll never go down without a fight.. it's a good thing, and a bad thing. i remember the shit bits... but you came out of all that well.. veryvery well.

look at you know girl.. you're happy. that's most important.

look at us now sweetie, we are loved. all the love we wished we had? we've got it now and more.

the shit days are the days that make us wanna appreciate life more, and make us know that what we are getting now is priceless.

schemed ruthlessly only to realise there was no point?? there was a point. cos for that short few moments whilst scheming, there was a slight bit of hope. and malicious joy if our plan really happened. it helped us get by somehow..

i have to admit, sometimes i wished you'd just give up.. but then, if you did you wouldn't be you.

if it happened again? i think you'll fight again. because it's what you've got now is so much more worth fighting for then what it was before.

but i have a feeling.. that God put you through it once.. and He won't do it again.. i have a feeling.. that this one will last.. and go well.

i sincerely pray that my feeling is right.

you deserve to be happy. we all love you happy. (as long as you'll still bitch with me!)

Loving you lots esta cecily mariam small little mighty mousey leong en ling. ( i think.)

1 comment:

e. said...


You still remember that horrifyingly long name huh.. Hahaha..

Anyway, even though I keep saying it, I'm glad we don't hate each other anymore! =D We went through so much together huh.. with those *beep* guys. Haha..

But yeah.. I have to agree, it makes life now seem that much sweeter and lovelier. I love you happy too! Happy is good! YAY!

And before I end this, OF COURSE I'LL STILL BITCH WITH YOU! =D