Friday, September 23, 2005

sometimes, i think it's rather unfair and selfish if one were to impose on others certain restrictions just so to fit one's own wants.

i realise that people start taking advantage of their friends once their friend is able to drive. this is extremely disgusting as please realise, i know that you may want to save $1 on a bus ride, but in order to go out of the way just to pick you up (please realise in the first place that driving you is an OPTION that your friend has kindly agreed to although your friend can just leave you in the lurch and not bother at all) , your friend has to blow like maybe, $2 on petrol. And petrol is not cheap these days. But do you care??? NO. You don't care. Why? because so what if your nice, accomodating, kind friend has to spend $2 just for you, the selfish one- As long as you save your $1, you are happy. You're disgusting.

i think we all should do some self-reflection. Are you guilty of the above-mentioned? If you are, and you change, at least there is hope for you. If you are, but you don't give a damn, just remember that what goes around, comes around.

Sometimes, when you donate money to beggars on the street, only to realise later that the beggar had both hands, both legs, is young, strong and healthy, and is just too lazy to work but wants easy money, do you feel cheated??? i feel that way now. And i'm not the only one. Giving sympathy to someone who does not need it in the first place makes me feel very very cheated. Taking advantage of a kind-hearted, caring soul is plain disgusting.

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