Sunday, December 03, 2006

random pictures from my mobile, from the newest to the oldest...

say... MYSPACE!!!!!! hahaa.

lenotre's beautiful creations... i actually saw them piece the eifel towel together, piece by piece!!!! all the intricate artwork... molding the chocolate, melting, then sticking it together!!!! absolutely breathetaking!!!

and the chocolate flower thingie. sorry the picture is kinda blurred, i was so delirious with the amazing sights i went... limp. erm. sounds bad. hehe.

the fog one morning.... i couldn't see my park, and i couldn't see much further ahead of me.. made me think of literature.. i forgot the name of the book suddenly... but it was of mary and edwards and foghorns. family torn apart by love they were physically and emotionally incapable of articulating.

dani and me; gourmet chocolate shopping... feast your eyes on the chocolates we ate so much of that we felt sick. hehe.
seven reasons to eat chocolate... not that we need any at all...

pretty purple tree!!! i saw it and thought of estee!!!! i can see her taking wedding photos at this very spot, under the purple tree, on the wooden bench, with purple thingies floating slowly to the ground!!!!

i really don't know what it is.. it might be the flowers....

innovation. music from glass bottles...........
and music from upside down tubs. the guy won the extreme right was not part of the band. he was a passer by... who started tapping on a tub, and one of the band member passed him the drimsticks. super cool!!! and it wasn't noise they made, but pure music!

hidden footage from xinds and yokers in sydney. first night together!!!

i donno why dani is smiling. i fucking tied her head up so ugly!! and she did mine so nice and neat!!!

some french function at the hotel.. VVVIP. and we got painted with flags!!! =)

kris's expert driving the car into the hoist!

night out with colleagues... cassie, mel, and me.
and matt. who picked me up and swung me around. who is now a fitness instructor with fitness first.

girls watching movie on my lappie, in school. guess what movie..... hehe.
p a r i s h i l t o n h o m e m o v i e!!! hahahahahahaha. and i got a picture of them all. watching. porn. HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!

me and carol ages ago, dimsum outing.

dear sarah, enroll in my school. this is what lessons are about.. we drink alcohol. all sorts. =)

sighh.... prettypretty flavia.... i reckon german mixed girls are hot. cos flavia is french german, and she's gorgeous. this picture does not do her justice!!! and then there is annabelle. belle is german chinese and beauuuuutiful!!!

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